Chase Freedom Unlimited® se abre con una excelente oferta de introducción; obtenga un reembolso adicional del 1,5 % en todo lo que compre (hasta $20 000 gastados en el primer año), ¡por un valor de hasta $300 en reembolso! Agregue una APR introductoria del 0 % durante 15 meses en compras y transferencias de saldo (17.24 % estándar - 25.99 % APR variable) agregue a eso un sólido programa de recompensas diarias y es una excelente opción para cualquiera que busque ahorrar una tonelada de dinero en compras diarias .
Lea la reseña Requisitos de puntaje crediticio:Los requisitos de puntaje crediticio se basan en la propia investigación de tasas de aprobación de Money Under 30; cumplir con el puntaje mínimo le dará la mejor oportunidad de ser aprobado para la tarjeta de crédito de su elección. Si no conoce su puntaje de crédito, use nuestra herramienta gratuita de estimación de puntaje de crédito para tener una mejor idea de para qué tarjetas calificará. *Money Under 30 utiliza un puntaje FICO 8, que es uno de los muchos tipos diferentes de puntajes de crédito. *Un acreedor puede usar un puntaje diferente al decidir si le aprueba el crédito. Tarjeta de crédito Ink Business Unlimited® En pocas palabras
La tarjeta de crédito Ink Business Unlimited® se abre con un bono en efectivo de $750 después de gastar $7500 en los primeros tres meses desde la apertura de la cuenta; incluye un 1,5 % de reembolso en efectivo en todas las compras y no cobra una tarifa anual.
Leer reseña Aplicar ahora En el sitio web seguro En pocas palabras
La tarjeta de crédito Ink Business Unlimited® se abre con un bono en efectivo de $750 después de gastar $7500 en los primeros tres meses desde la apertura de la cuenta; incluye un 1,5 % de reembolso en efectivo en todas las compras y no cobra una tarifa anual.
Lea la reseña Requisitos de puntaje crediticio:Los requisitos de puntaje crediticio se basan en la propia investigación de tasas de aprobación de Money Under 30; cumplir con el puntaje mínimo le dará la mejor oportunidad de ser aprobado para la tarjeta de crédito de su elección. Si no conoce su puntaje de crédito, use nuestra herramienta gratuita de estimación de puntaje de crédito para tener una mejor idea de para qué tarjetas calificará. *Money Under 30 utiliza un puntaje FICO 8, que es uno de los muchos tipos diferentes de puntajes de crédito. *Un acreedor puede usar un puntaje diferente al decidir si le aprueba el crédito. ? Pobre 500-599 Regular 600-699 Bueno 700-749 Excelente 750-850 Lo que nos gusta:
Gane $750 en efectivo de bonificación después de gastar $7500 en los primeros tres meses de la apertura de la cuenta
Gane un reembolso ilimitado del 1,5 % en efectivo en todas las compras
Sin cuota anual
Obtenga un bono de reembolso de $750 después de gastar $7500 en compras en los primeros 3 meses desde la apertura de la cuenta
Obtenga un reembolso ilimitado del 1,5 % en efectivo en cada compra realizada para su empresa
Sin cuota anual
Canjee recompensas por reembolsos en efectivo, tarjetas de regalo, viajes y más a través de Chase Ultimate Rewards®
Obtenga recompensas más rápido con tarjetas de empleado sin costo adicional. Establezca límites de gasto individuales para un mayor control
Con Fraud Protection, las transacciones de su tarjeta serán monitoreadas en busca de posibles signos de actividad fraudulenta mediante el monitoreo de fraude en tiempo real
Con Zero Liability, no será responsable de los cargos no autorizados realizados con su tarjeta o la información de su cuenta
APR introductorio del 0 % durante 12 meses en compras
Compras con APR introductorio 0% APR introductorio en compras durante 12 meses Compras con plazo introductorio 12 meses Transferencias de saldo con APR introductorio N/A Transferencias de saldo con APR introductorio 0 meses APR regular 15.49% - 21.49% Cargo anual variable $0
Aplicar ahora>>
Análisis en profundidad de las mejores tarjetas de crédito para un crédito de bueno a excelente (puntuación FICO de 700-749) Las mejores tarjetas de crédito para viajes: Tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$95.
Rango APR:17.49% - 25.49% (Variable).
Oferta de bonificación de inicio de sesión:Gane 75 000 millas de bonificación cuando gaste $4000 en compras en los primeros 3 meses desde la apertura de la cuenta.
Recompensas:2X millas ilimitadas por dólar en cada compra, todos los días.
Otras características:$0 de tarifas de transacciones extranjeras, hasta $100 de crédito de tarifa de solicitud para Global Entry o TSA PreCheck, las millas son válidas en cualquier aerolínea u hotel, sin restricciones de fechas, sin límite ni fecha de vencimiento en las millas.
Por qué la tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
El Tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards ofrece excelentes beneficios de viaje y no se aplica la tarifa anual el primer año.
Cómo usar la tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards
Si es un viajero frecuente, esta tarjeta definitivamente puede reducir sus gastos de viaje. Naturalmente, el mayor beneficio se obtendrá durante el primer año, pero tendrá que usar la tarjeta de manera constante para aprovechar al máximo los beneficios de viaje en los años siguientes.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards
Una vez más, esta tarjeta es para viajeros frecuentes. Las millas de bonificación se canjean en viajes y no por compras no relacionadas.
Solicite ahora o lea nuestra revisión completa de la tarjeta de crédito Capital One Venture Rewards.
Tarjeta Chase Sapphire Preferred® Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$95.
Rango APR:18.24% - 25.24% Variable.
APR introductorio del 0 %:no se ofrece.
Oferta de bonificación de inicio de sesión:60 000 puntos de bonificación cuando gasta $4000 en compras en los primeros tres meses (con un valor de $600 en efectivo o $750 en viajes cuando canjea a través de Chase Ultimate Rewards
Recompensas:5X puntos en viajes comprados a través de Chase Ultimate Rewards®, 3X puntos en comidas, 2X puntos en todas las demás compras de viajes, más 1X punto por dólar en todas las demás compras.
Otras características:tarifas de transacción en el extranjero de $0, transferencia de puntos a programas de viajes frecuentes participantes uno por uno, seguro de cancelación de viaje.
Por qué la tarjeta Chase Sapphire Preferred® es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
Situación similar aquí, la Tarjeta Chase Sapphire Preferred® está hecho para viajeros frecuentes.
Cómo utilizar la tarjeta Chase Sapphire Preferred®
Situación similar:si paga su saldo en su totalidad todos los meses, evitará los cargos por intereses. Y si es un viajero frecuente, los puntos de bonificación que gane cubrirán su tarifa anual muchas veces.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card
Una vez más, si no eres un viajero frecuente, esta tarjeta no será la mejor opción para ti.
Solicite ahora o lea nuestra revisión completa de la tarjeta Chase Sapphire Preferred®.
La mejor tarjeta de crédito para viajes sin cuota anual: Tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$0.
Rango APR:16.49% - 26.49% (Variable); Comisión del 3% sobre los importes transferidos en los primeros 15 meses.
APR introductorio del 0 % en compras y transferencias de saldo durante 15 meses.
Oferta de bonificación de inicio de sesión:20 000 millas de bonificación cuando gasta $500 en compras en los primeros tres meses de la apertura de la cuenta.
Recompensas:1,25 millas ilimitadas en todas las compras.
Otras características:tarifas de transacciones extranjeras de $0, seguro de accidentes de viaje.
Por qué la tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
La tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards es otra gran tarjeta para recompensas de viaje, con el beneficio de una tarifa anual de $0. Primero deberá comprar sus boletos y luego canjear sus millas como un crédito de estado de cuenta para cubrir el costo
Cómo usar la tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards
Una de las ventajas de esta tarjeta es que el bono de inicio de sesión se puede obtener gastando solo $500 en los primeros tres meses. Eso se puede lograr fácilmente incluso si no es un gran usuario de tarjetas de crédito. Al igual que con las otras tarjetas, simplemente pague su saldo en su totalidad cada mes y no tendrá que preocuparse por acumular intereses o bajar su puntaje debido a la alta utilización del crédito. Dado que no hay una tarifa anual, no tiene que preocuparse por ganar suficientes millas de viaje para que valga la pena.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards
Si no viaja con frecuencia, probablemente querrá ir con una tarjeta que le dé tarjetas de regalo o efectivo. La tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards también requiere que realice la compra y luego canjee sus millas como un crédito de estado de cuenta para cubrir el costo de su factura.
Solicite ahora o lea nuestra revisión completa de la tarjeta de crédito Capital One VentureOne Rewards .
Millas Discover it® Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$0.
Rango APR:13,49 % - 24,49 % Variable
APR introductorio del 0 % en compras durante 14 meses; consulta los términos para transferencias de saldo.
Oferta de bonificación de inicio de sesión:Discover igualará todas las millas ganadas al final de su primer año.
Recompensas:1.5X millas ilimitadas por cada dólar gastado en compras; cualquier aerolínea u hotel, sin restricciones de fechas; canjee millas como crédito de estado de cuenta para compras de viajes.
Otras características:tarifa de transacción extranjera de $0, tarjeta de puntuación de crédito con su puntuación de crédito FICO, alertas del Seguro Social, el pago atrasado no aumentará su APR, sin recargo por pago atrasado en su primer pago atrasado.
Por qué Discover it® Miles es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
Las Millas Discover it® es otra excelente tarjeta de crédito para recompensas de viaje y sin cargo anual. También obtiene 14 meses de APR del 0 % en compras y una APR de introducción reducida en transferencias de saldo.
Cómo utilizar las Millas Discover it®
A diferencia de otras tarjetas de recompensas de viaje en esta lista, Discover it® Miles no ofrece una bonificación inicial fija. Pero igualarán todas las millas que gane al final del primer año, lo que significa que tendrá un primer año ocupado usando la tarjeta.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar las millas Discover it®
Nuevamente, si no eres un viajero, será mejor que selecciones otra tarjeta. Además, tenga cuidado con la coincidencia de kilometraje del primer año. Tendrá que esforzarse más para obtener esta bonificación que con otras tarjetas.
Solicite ahora o lea nuestra revisión completa de la tarjeta de crédito Discover it® Miles.
Las mejores tarjetas de crédito para transferencia de saldo: Tarjeta Wells Fargo Platino
*Esta oferta venció o ya no está disponible.
Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$0.
Rango APR:16.49% - 24.49% Variable.
APR introductorio del 0 %:0 % durante 18 meses en transferencias de saldo y compras.
Otras funciones:acceso a My Money Map, una herramienta que ayuda con la elaboración de presupuestos, funciones de seguridad avanzadas, acceso a su puntaje FICO®.
Por qué la tarjeta Wells Fargo Platinum es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
La tarjeta Platinum de Wells Fargo no tiene cargo anual y una APR inicial del 0 % durante 18 meses en transferencias de saldo y compras, lo que la convierte en la tarjeta perfecta para cualquier persona que necesite pagar una deuda grande o que necesite hacer una compra grande con cierto margen de maniobra para pagarla apagado.
Cómo usar la tarjeta Wells Fargo Platinum
Una vez que haya configurado su cuenta, simplemente transferirá los saldos de otras tarjetas de crédito a su tarjeta Wells Fargo Platinum. También puedes realizar compras al 0% durante 18 meses. Si controla su puntaje crediticio y toma medidas para mejorarlo, puede reducir la tasa de interés que le ofrecen después del período introductorio.
Por qué es posible que no quiera considerar la tarjeta Wells Fargo Platinum®
No hay recompensas asociadas con esta tarjeta de crédito, por lo que es mejor para aquellos que están trabajando duro para reducir su deuda.
La mejor tarjeta de crédito con transferencia de saldo y recompensas en efectivo: Tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠ Solicite ahora en el sitio web seguro de Citi Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$0.
Rango APR:16.24% - 26.24% (Variable).
APR introductorio del 0 %:0 % durante 15 meses en compras y 0 % durante 15 meses en transferencias de saldo.
Oferta de bonificación de inicio de sesión:Gane una bonificación de recompensas en efectivo de $200 después de gastar $750 en los primeros tres meses de la apertura de la cuenta.
Recompensas:5 % de reembolso en efectivo en hasta $500 de compras realizadas dentro de su categoría de gastos principales en cada ciclo de facturación, más un 1 % ilimitado de reembolso en efectivo en todas las demás compras.
Otras características:Citi Entertainment® brinda acceso exclusivo a experiencias de eventos en vivo y preventa de boletos.
Por qué la tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠ es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
La Tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠ ofrece una rara combinación de altas recompensas, un generoso bono de bienvenida, MÁS ninguna tarifa anual y 0% APR tanto en transferencias de saldo como en nuevas compras, lo que la convierte en una atractiva tarjeta multiusos para aquellos que buscan aplastar viejas deudas mientras evitando nuevas deudas.
Cómo utilizar la tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠
Dado que la tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠ ofrece un 5 % de reembolso en efectivo en su categoría de mayor gasto en cada ciclo de facturación, puede maximizar sus recompensas al concentrar sus gastos cada mes en viajes, mejoras para el hogar, etc. Si necesita iniciar una transferencia de saldo, simplemente asegúrese de hacerlo dentro de los primeros cuatro meses.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠
El principal inconveniente de la tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠ es que solo ofrece un reembolso del 5 % en uno categoría. Si tiende a gastar mucho, puede obtener una mejor recompensa con una tarjeta que ofrezca un 5% de reembolso en efectivo en múltiples categorías rotativas.
Solicite ahora o lea nuestra revisión completa de la tarjeta Citi Custom Cash℠ Card.
Las mejores tarjetas de crédito con recompensas en efectivo: Tarjeta de crédito con recompensas en efectivo Capital One® Savor®
Descargo de responsabilidad – La información sobre la tarjeta de crédito Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards ha sido recopilada de forma independiente por El emisor de la tarjeta no ha revisado ni aprobado los detalles de la tarjeta.
Características de la tarjeta Tarifa anual:$95.
Rango APR:16.24% - 24.24% (Variable).
APR introductorio del 0 %:no se ofrece.
Oferta de bonificación de inicio de sesión:$300 en recompensas en efectivo después de gastar $3000 en compras dentro de los primeros tres meses de abrir su cuenta.
Recompensas:4 % en todos los pagos de servicios populares de streaming, entretenimiento y comidas; 3 % de reembolso en efectivo en comestibles y 1 % en todas las demás compras.
Otras características:Te convertirás en miembro del World Elite MasterCard® Club.
Por qué Capital One® Savor® es una buena opción para quienes tienen un crédito bueno/excelente
La tarjeta de crédito Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards es una gran tarjeta para comensales frecuentes. Pero, la recompensa de registro es donde brilla esta tarjeta. You can earn $300 in cash rewards after spending $3,000 on purchases within the first three months of opening their account.
How to use the Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card
You can make up for the annual fee if you dine out on a regular basis, or by using your Capital One® Savor® to buy groceries.
Why you might not want to consider Capital One® Savor®
If you don’t dine out frequently, you’d be better served with a cash back card that offers rewards in different categories.
Apply now or read our full review of the Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards credit card.
Chase Freedom Flex℠ Apply Now On the Secure Website Card features Tarifa anual:$0.
APR range:17.24% - 25.99% Variable.
Sign-on bonus offer:$200 bonus after spending $500 on purchases in the first three months from account opening.
Rewards:5% cash back on up to $1,500 in combined purchases in bonus categories each quarter you activate, 5% cash back on travel purchases when you book through Chase Ultimate rewards®, 3% cash back on dining and drugstores, and unlimited 1% cash back on all other purchases.
Other features:Purchase Protection that covers your new purchases for 120 days against damage or theft up to $500 per claim and $50,000 per account.
Why the Chase Freedom Flex℠ is a good option for those with good/excellent credit
Chase Freedom Flex℠ is another card with a strong combination of cash bonuses and great introductory offers.
How to use the Chase Freedom Flex℠
This is another card where it’s easy to get cash back. The sign-up bonus of $200 after you spend $500 in the first three months gives you a huge discount on whatever you buy. Throw in the 5% cash back in bonus categories, plus 3% on dining and drugstore purchases and 1% on all other purchases, and this card can save you serious money in the first year, and every year thereafter.
Why you might not want to consider the Chase Freedom Flex℠
The rewards offer is well worth taking. But be careful of the 0% Intro APR on Purchases for 15 months and 0% Intro APR on Balance Transfers for 15 months. When combined with the rewards, this is the type of card that could see you running up a very large balance quickly – and one that you will be harder to pay off anytime soon.
Apply now or read our full review of the Chase Freedom Flex℠.
Chase Freedom Unlimited® Apply Now On the Secure Website Card features: Tarifa anual:$0.
APR range:17.24% - 25.99% Variable.
0% introductory APR:15 months on purchases and balance transfers.
Intro Offer:Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on purchases (up to $20,000 in the first year) – worth up to $300 cash back!
5% cash back on travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards®.
3% cash back on dining and drugstore purchases.
1.5% cash back on all other purchases.
Other features:Cash rewards don’t expire and you can redeem them at any time.
Why the Chase Freedom Unlimited® is a good option for those with good/excellent credit
If you don’t want an annual fee, want great rewards, and a decent 0% intro, the Chase Freedom Unlimited® is perfect.
It’s meant for cardholders that are looking for a great card all-around.
How to use Chase Freedom Unlimited®
If you need to put a purchase on your card, the 15 month of interest free payments could help you pay it off in full quickly. Plus, you can use your card for ALL purchases and earn cash back.
Why you might not want to consider the Chase Freedom Unlimited®
Quite honestly, the Chase Freedom Unlimited® offers plenty of perks without much room for criticism. The 5% cash back on travel booked through Chase Ultimate Rewards® paired with the 3% cash back on dining and drugstores, and 1.5% cash back on all other purchases is hard to beat. AND you can earn an extra 1.5% cash back on purchases in the first year, making this an awesome all-around card.
Apply now or read our full review of the Chase Freedom Unlimited®.
Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card Apply Now On the Secure Website Card features Tarifa anual:$0.
APR range:15.49% - 21.49% Variable.
0% introductory APR:0% Intro APR on Purchases for 12 Months.
Sign-on bonus offer:$750 bonus cash back after you spend $7,500 on purchases in the first three months after account opening.
Rewards:Unlimited 1.5% cash back.
Other features:employee cards at no additional cost, zero liability protection.
Why the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card is a good option for those with good/excellent credit
The Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card is a great all-around cash back card for small business owners. The card comes with an impressive unlimited 1.5% cash back on all purchases, along with a $0 annual fee and plenty of other perks, making it a hard card to beat for business owners.
How to use the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card
In order to be eligible for the bonus cash back offer, cardholders need to spend $7,500 in the first three months after opening their account. The Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card is a great option for businesses with a good amount of general monthly expenses, or for business owners planning on making a significant purchase in the near future.
Why you might not want to consider the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card
If you’re not a business owner, unfortunately, you won’t be eligible for the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card. If you do own a business and have a lot of expenses in a particular category, like travel or office supplies, a rewards card with bonuses in those particular categories might increase your earnings.
But for business owners who want a straightforward, reliable cash back card that helps them earn while they spend, the Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card is a great option.
Apply now or read our full Ink Business Unlimited® Credit Card review.
Summary of the best credit cards if your FICO score is between 700-749
In the table below, we summarized the main information for each of the cards we presented as the best cards if your FICO Score is between 700 and 749:
Card/Category Annual Fee APR Range Sign-up Bonus Offer Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card $95 17.49% - 25.49% (Variable) 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card $95 18.24% - 25.24% Variable 60,000 bonus points when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first three months Capital One VentureOne Rewards Credit Card $0 16.49% - 26.49% (Variable) 20,000 bonus miles when you spend $500 on purchases in the first three months of account opening Discover it® Miles $0 13.49% - 24.49% Variable Discover will match all miles earned at the end of your first year Wells Fargo Platinum card $0 16.49% - 24.49% Variable None Citi Custom Cash℠ Card $0 16.24% - 26.24% (Variable) $200 (or 20,000 bonus ThankYou® Points) when you spend $750 on purchases in the first three months of account opening Capital One® Savor® Cash Rewards Credit Card $95 16.24% - 24.24% (Variable) $300 in cash rewards after spending $3,000 on purchases within the first three months of opening their account Chase Freedom Flex℠ $0 17.24% - 25.99% Variable $200 Bonus after you spend $500 on purchases in your first 3 months from account opening Chase Freedom Unlimited® $0 17.24% - 25.99% Variable Intro Offer:Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on purchases (up to $20,000 in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!
*5% cash back categories have a $1,500 max spend and require quarterly activation
How we came up with this list
We used six criteria to come up with our list of the nine best credit cards if your FICO Score is 700 to 749:
Annual fee.
APR range.
0% introductory APR.
Sign-on bonus offer.
Other features.
The cards we selected offer the best combination of these features, even if each doesn’t offer all six.
What is good/excellent credit?
How to find the best credit cards if your FICO score is 700 to 749
The most important features of credit cards if your FICO score is between 700 and 749
What to do before applying for a credit card if your FICO score is 700 to 749
How to properly use a credit card for good/excellent credit
Tips to maintain or improve your credit
Compare more recommended credit cards
What is good/excellent credit?
Good/excellent credit is another of those credit blocks that isn’t necessarily defined by the three major credit bureaus. Experian lists the 700 to 749 score range as floating between good and very good (but not excellent).
What factors affect your credit score?
Your credit score is comprised of five factors:payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and credit mix.
If your FICO Score is 700 to 749, you’re probably perfect or near-perfect in the payment history category. At worst, you may have one or two 30-day late payments in your distant past, but nothing recent.
In this credit score range, credit utilization ratio is likely to be a bigger factor. It’s the amount you owe on your credit cards, divided by your total credit card limits.
For example, if you owe $5,000 in credit card debt, and you have $20,000 in credit card limits, your credit utilization ratio was 25%. Any number below 30% is considered good.
How to find the best credit cards if your FICO score is 700 to 749
If you’re in this credit score range, the best credit cards aren’t hard to find. Nearly all types of cards will be available to you.
At this credit score range, it will be less a matter of finding cards you qualify for, and more about selecting the ones you like best.
What’s more, traditional factors, like annual fee and interest rate become less important. Credit cards in the 700 to 749 range offer the kinds of perks that can actually enable you to come out ahead in using the card. That is, the rewards and benefits will be higher than the annual fee, and even the interest expense if you make a habit of not carrying an outstanding balance.
This guide will offer nine different credit cards if your FICO Score is 700 to 749. You can simply choose the card (or cards) that offer the best combination of rewards and benefits for you.
Most important features of credit cards if your FICO score is 700 to 749
Let’s take a deeper look at the six criteria listed above.
Annual percentage rate—APR
If your FICO Score is 700 to 749 you’ll be presented with an interest rate range. Something typical would be 14.74% to 24.74%.
If your credit score is closer to 750, you may get a lower rate. If it’s just above 700, you may pay the higher rate.
The annual fee
Some cards on our list have no annual fee, but a few do. Among those that do, the maximum is $95.
Though it would be preferable to take a card with no annual fee, you have to weigh the benefits the card offers. Those benefits may be more generous on a card that has an annual fee than one that doesn’t.
0% introductory APR
This is a common feature in cards offered in the good/excellent credit range. A credit card issuer may provide a 0% APR for anywhere from six months to 18 months. It usually applies to balance transfers, but may also include purchases.
This offer will be more attractive to someone who has high interest credit card balances they want to transfer. If you don’t, it may not offer much incentive to take the card.
Sign-up bonus offer
These are very common for credit cards in the good/excellent credit range. In fact, they’re one of the main reasons consumers select one card over another.
All the cards on our list provide a sign-up bonus. Some are more generous than others, but that doesn’t make them better cards. A card with better ongoing rewards may be preferable to one with a very generous sign-on bonus offer.
Credit card rewards
These are the ongoing rewards, like 1% cash back on all purchases, or 5% cash back on select purchases.
In the second case, a credit card may offer you enhanced cash back rewards or points on certain categories. These categories usually change on a quarterly basis, and can apply to gas, groceries, restaurant meals, or other spending categories.
As attractive as sign-up bonuses are, ongoing rewards are a better reason to choose a credit card. They’re what you’ll be left with after the bonus offer has been completed.
Additional card benefits
These are the other benefits typical to credit cards. They can include collision damage waiver on auto rentals, $0 fraud liability for unauthorized charges, free credit scores, and other perks.
What to do before applying for a credit card if your FICO score is 700 to 749
Even if you’ve been in the 700 to 749 credit score range for a long time, never assume that’s still the case. Credit scores are a moving target! The score you have today will be different a month from now, and again a year from now.
For that reason, there are a few steps you should take before you even make application for a credit card.
Check your credit
You should always be monitoring your credit, at least to know if there are errors or any fraudulent activity. But it’ll be a big advantage when you’re about to apply for credit. It will give you a chance to know what your credit is before the lender does.
You can do this by using free credit score providers, and you should sign up for one if you haven’t already.
Research available cards for your credit score
The first step is to identify those cards designed specifically for good/excellent credit. You’ve already taken that step by coming to this guide.
Don’t apply for multiple credit cards
This is standard advice any time you apply for credit of any type (except mortgages). If you put in multiple applications, you can actually hurt your chance of being approved and even catapult your score back to the bad credit range.
Each lender will have access to your credit report, which will show that you’ve applied elsewhere. Those applications will show up as credit inquiries. Too many inquiries can actually drop your credit score. Maybe it won’t be by a lot, but it could be enough to put you into a bad credit score range.
Pick the card you want most, and apply for it. If you’re turned down, or you don’t like the terms, only then should you apply for another card.
Credit card features to consider if you have good/excellent credit
There are a few factors that come into play with the good/excellent credit range.
The annual fee debate
You certainly can get credit cards with no annual fee. But as discussed earlier, that doesn’t automatically make them a better choice. If ongoing rewards are more generous with a card that charges an annual fee, it might be the better choice over the card with no annual fee.
Rewards should match your spending patterns
If you’re not a frequent traveler, it will make little sense to get a card that provides generous travel rewards. As you probably won’t take advantage of them, it’ll be just another credit card.
Also, look very carefully at any qualifications for the rewards. Many credit cards in the good credit score to excellent credit score range make their most generous rewards offers on select categories. If you use those categories normally, it will make sense to take the card. But if you don’t, you won’t earn the rewards.
Cash back vs. rewards points or miles
Rewards come in three flavors:cashback, points, and miles.
Points and miles are typically associated with travel rewards. Once again, if you’re a frequent traveler, this type of rewards package will be attractive. Understand that it’s typical with travel rewards that they’re primarily earned through travel purchases, and redeemed in the same category.
If you’re not a frequent traveler, cash back rewards are definitely the way to go. You can generally earn them through regular purchase activity, and redeem them for cash, or a statement credit (which can be applied in a number of ways).
Frequent credit card use is required to take full advantage of rewards
Depending on the rewards offered, earning them can be a bit complicated. It may be easy in the first year, due to a generous sign-on bonus. But the ongoing rewards aren’t always so easy.
Take travel rewards, for example. If a travel rewards card offers two points for every $1 you spend, you’ll have to spend $1,000 per month to earn 2,000 points. In one year’s time, you can earn 24,000 points spending at that level, equal to $240 in travel purchases.
But the critical connection is being able to spend at that level every month. If you don’t normally use a credit card, you may not accumulate a meaningful number of points.
How to properly use a credit card for good/excellent credit
One of the main goals of a credit card when you’re in the 700 to 749 credit score range is to reap the benefits without doing anything that might cause your credit score to drop.
We recommend these strategies:
Pay off your balance quickly and regularly
Credit card rewards can actually enable you to earn money through your credit card usage. But if you carry a balance on your card, and have to pay an interest rate of close to 2% per month, it’s likely the rewards will be more than offset by interest expense.
To get the maximum results from the rewards, pay off your balance each and every month. That will make the rewards a pure benefit.
Charge no more than you can easily repay when the bill comes in
This really gets to the mechanics of paying off your balance each month. If you have room in your budget to pay $500 per month toward your credit card bill, then that’s as much as you should charge on it. It makes it less likely you’ll need to carry a balance.
Remember, using a credit card responsibly does not mean maxing out your available credit every month!
High-spend credit cards
Credit card issuers make the most money on people who make frequent use of their cards and carry large balances. They’ll use a combination of high credit limits, generous rewards, and a 0% APR introductory offer.
This is an outcome you must resist. If the combination of the above three benefits cause you to run your credit card balance up to $10,000, and you have an interest rate of 20%, you’ll be paying $2,000 per year in interest, at least once the 0% introductory offer term ends.
Watch out for the balance transfer trap!
A 0% introductory APR is an outstanding benefit to have, but only if you use it the right way. And the right way is to pay off any balance transferred before the 0% APR introductory term ends.
To do otherwise is to put yourself in a potential trap.
Here’s why…
Balance transfer fees. Credit cards routinely charge an upfront fee of between 3%-5% of the balance transferred. If you transfer $10,000, that will be $300 to $500, paid up front.
The 0% introductory APR could convince you to keep the balance outstanding—after all, it won’t be costing you any money.
The 0% introductory APR will end, and then you’ll be subject to the regular interest rate. It’s possible that rate will be higher than the one you’re paying on the card you transferred the balance from.
If you won’t be able to pay the balance in full within the introductory term you might want to avoid a balance transfer entirely. In that situation, it’ll just be moving debt from one credit line to another—with an interest rate reprieve in the middle.
Tips to maintain or improve your credit
As noted earlier, your good/excellent credit score isn’t a permanent feature. There are a number of events that could knock it down a few points (or more than a few points) and drop you back below 700.
We recommend these strategies to avoid that outcome (and maybe even build a higher credit score):
Monitor your credit score from now on
Credit card companies aren’t the only ones that can perform a credit check. In fact, you should do this at least on a monthly basis. That will give you an opportunity to identify any irregularities immediately.
Brand-new issues are easier to fix than those that have been sitting for a few months or years. The information will be fresh on your mind, and you’ll likely have documentation to prove your case.
Dispute any errors promptly
If there are any errors on your report, you need to dispute them immediately. Contact the creditor, open a dispute, and provide documentation supporting your claim. Have the creditor provide written confirmation of the error, then ask them to report the corrected information to all three credit bureaus.
Wait 30 days and pull your credit again. If the error still appears, write a letter to each of the three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian), and include a copy of the creditor’s letter acknowledging the error. Based on that letter, the credit bureaus can remove the error and fix your credit report.
Pay ALL your bills on-time
If your credit score is over 700, you’re probably doing this faithfully. At the same time, you should be aware that a single late payment could have a serious negative effect on your credit rating.
Set up automatic debits for any recurring payments you have. You should do this even with rent and utility payments. Though they won’t report to credit bureaus in the normal course, they will report unpaid balances. Automatic debits will eliminate that possibility.
FAQs on best credit cards if your FICO score is between 700-749 ? ? Could I be declined for a credit card, even if my credit score is over 700? Unfortunately, yes. Part of it may actually have to do with credit issues. For example, if you had a bankruptcy or foreclosure 6 ½ years ago, and the credit card issuer specifically prohibits approving cards to people who have such delinquencies, you won’t be approved.Another important issue is income. If it’s is deemed either too low or too unstable, you can be declined for the card. And yes, it is possible to have both a high credit score and a low income. ? ? What’s more important—rewards or a 0% APR introductory offer? It really depends on your situation.If you have outstanding credit card balances at high interest rates, the 0% introductory offer may be more important. If you don’t, you may be more interested in the rewards. ? ? What could go wrong with a card that combines rewards and a 0% introductory offer? Sadly, a lot. Both work to incentivize running up a balance on your credit card. The 0% introductory APR will entice you to make purchases “for free’ (pay no interest). And the rewards can convince you you’re actually coming out ahead.Both will be true in the short run. But if they cause you to run up a balance, the party will be over when the introductory APR ends. Then you’ll be stuck with a high balance credit card, complete with regular interest charges. Worse, if your balance is close to being maxed-out, the rewards won’t be worth much to you anymore. ? ? How likely am I to get the lowest interest rate advertised? That depends on both the credit card issuer and your actual credit score. If the card is advertised for good or excellent credit, and your credit score 703, you may pay the highest interest rate advertised. If your score 748, you may pay the lowest. ? ? Could my credit card offer be withdrawn if my credit score drops? It is possible.Credit card disclosures contain a lot of legal fine print. There could be language in the credit card agreement that permits them to make changes, even on very little notice. Credit card issuers do monitor your credit. If you fall below a certain threshold, they could freeze your account, lower your credit limit, or take other steps to protect themselves. Compare more recommended credit cards See our recommended credit cards (all credit levels)
See our recommended cash back credit cards
See our recommended low APR credit cards
Is your credit score not between 700 and 749? Find more top credit cards for your credit score (FICO score) range:
Best credit cards for a credit score above 750
Best credit cards for a credit score between 650 – 699
Best credit cards for a credit score between 600 – 649
Best credit cards for a credit score under 599
Note:According to our research, these credit cards offer the best chance of approval for applicants with credit scores of 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748 and 749. This does not mean guaranteed approval as credit decisions take into factors other than FICO score.