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Si tiene un crédito pésimo y está buscando una manera de reconstruirlo; Milestone Mastercard® es una buena opción. Hay un proceso de precalificación rápido que no afecta su puntaje crediticio, una tasa de interés modesta y una tarifa anual de $35 a $99.
Lea la reseña Requisitos de puntaje crediticio:Los requisitos de puntaje crediticio se basan en la propia investigación de tasas de aprobación de Money Under 30; cumplir con el puntaje mínimo le dará la mejor oportunidad de ser aprobado para la tarjeta de crédito de su elección. Si no conoce su puntaje de crédito, use nuestra herramienta gratuita de estimación de puntaje de crédito para tener una mejor idea de para qué tarjetas calificará. *Money Under 30 utiliza un puntaje FICO 8, que es uno de los muchos tipos diferentes de puntajes de crédito. *Un acreedor puede usar un puntaje diferente al decidir si le aprueba el crédito. Pobre 500-599 Regular 600-699 Bueno 700-749 Excelente 750-850 Lo que nos gusta:
Tarifa anual de $35 a $99
Fácil proceso de precalificación
La bancarrota anterior está bien
La precalificación instantánea está disponible para aquellos que califiquen
Un crédito menos que perfecto está bien
Acceda a su cuenta en línea o desde su dispositivo móvil 24/7
El historial de la cuenta se informa a las tres principales agencias de crédito de los EE. UU.
Cuota anual $35 - $99* APR regular 24.9% APR introductorio APR introductorio Compras N/A , N/A APR introductorio Transferencias de saldo N / A ,
Aplicar ahora>>
Lo mejor para reconstruir el crédito:tarjeta de crédito Visa® Petal® 1 "sin cargo anual" Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Tarifa anual:$0.
Rango APR:22,24 % - 31,74 % Variable.
Recompensas:2%-10% de reembolso en efectivo en comerciantes seleccionados.
Otras características:ideal para personas con crédito limitado o sin crédito.
Por qué la tarjeta de crédito Visa® Petal® 1 "sin cargo anual" es una buena opción para las personas con mal crédito
La tarjeta de crédito Visa® Petal® 1 "Sin cargo anual" es perfecta para aquellos con poco crédito porque el emisor de la tarjeta mira más allá de su puntaje de crédito para calificarlo. Analizan su historial bancario general y, si reúne los requisitos, puede obtener un límite de crédito de entre $300 y $5,000. Y no necesitará pagar un depósito para obtener esta línea de crédito.
Además, puede comenzar fácilmente a construir su crédito con pagos mensuales puntuales, ya que su historial de pago se informa a las tres agencias de crédito.
Cómo utilizar la Tarjeta de Crédito Visa® Petal® 1 “Sin Cuota Anual”
La tarjeta de crédito Visa® Petal® 1 "Sin cargo anual" es increíblemente fácil de usar. Para comenzar a construir su crédito usando la tarjeta, simplemente pague su saldo a tiempo cada mes y, gradualmente, su puntaje debería mejorar.
Además, la aplicación móvil de Petal es muy intuitiva, por lo que puede administrar fácilmente su dinero, realizar un seguimiento de sus gastos y automatizar los pagos, todo con unos pocos clics.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta de crédito Visa® Petal® 1 "sin cargo anual"
Si bien puede calificar con un puntaje de crédito bajo, su tasa de interés será más alta que la que obtendría con otras tarjetas de crédito en 22.24% - 31.74% Variable.
También descubrirá que obtiene mejores recompensas de devolución de efectivo con la tarjeta de crédito Visa® "Cash Back, No Fees" Petal® 2, que emite 1%-1.5% en todas las compras, así como el mismo 2%-10% devolución de efectivo de ciertos comerciantes.
Obtenga más información sobre la tarjeta de crédito Visa® Petal® 1 "sin cargo anual" o lea nuestra reseña completa .
Mejor tarjeta de crédito de depósito bajo:Tarjeta de crédito asegurada Capital One Platinum Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Tarifa anual:$0.
Rango APR:26.99% (Variable).
Otras características:acceso a Credit Wise, un servicio gratuito de control de crédito.
Por qué la tarjeta de crédito asegurada Capital One Platinum es una buena opción para las personas con mal crédito
Con la tarjeta de crédito asegurada Capital One Platinum, obtendrá una línea de crédito inicial de $200, con un depósito de seguridad de $49, $99 o $200.
Cómo utilizar la tarjeta de crédito garantizada Capital One Platinum
Los tarjetahabientes serán automáticamente considerados para una línea de crédito más alta en tan solo seis meses.
No se requerirá ningún depósito adicional si se aumenta su línea de crédito.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta de crédito asegurada Capital One Platinum
La línea de crédito creciente podría tentarlo a aumentar también su endeudamiento. Si tiene mal crédito, endeudarse más es lo último que necesita. Tome esta tarjeta solo si puede pagar el saldo cada mes.
Obtenga más información sobre la tarjeta de crédito asegurada Capital One Platinum o lea nuestra reseña completa.
Mejor sin verificación de crédito:Tarjeta de crédito Visa® asegurada OpenSky® Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Cuota anual:$35.
TAE normal:18,89 % (variable).
Otras características:no se requiere verificación de crédito ni cuenta bancaria para solicitar la tarjeta.
Por qué la tarjeta de crédito OpenSky® Secured Visa® es una buena opción para las personas con mal crédito
Lo bueno de la tarjeta de crédito OpenSky® Secured Visa® es que no hay verificación de crédito. Así que no tiene que preocuparse si tiene mal crédito:OpenSky no va a consultar su informe de crédito.
Además, puede establecer su propio límite de crédito. Por lo tanto, si desea reducir la tentación y mantener bajo su límite de crédito, simplemente haga un depósito de seguridad de $200 (su depósito mínimo requerido) mientras se acostumbra a la tarjeta.
Cómo utilizar la tarjeta de crédito OpenSky® Secured Visa®
Cuando utilice la tarjeta de crédito OpenSky® Secured Visa®, depositará un depósito de seguridad de su elección (entre $200 y $3000), que servirá como su límite de crédito.
Use la tarjeta para hacer compras (las compras pequeñas y diarias son las mejores) y luego pague su factura en su totalidad todos los meses antes de la fecha de vencimiento. Si no puede pagarlo en su totalidad, al menos pague el monto mínimo adeudado y pague a tiempo para evitar multas. Esos pagos se informarán a las tres agencias de crédito, que luego pueden mejorar su puntaje.
Por qué no debe usar la tarjeta de crédito OpenSky® Secured Visa®
Si todavía tiene dificultades para administrar su crédito y la tentación de una tarjeta de crédito es demasiado, incluso la tarjeta de crédito OpenSky® Secured Visa® podría no ser una buena opción. Administrar el crédito sabiamente es una habilidad que se aprende, así que asegúrese de estar listo para manejar el crédito nuevamente antes de registrarse para obtener una tarjeta.
Obtenga más información sobre OpenSky® Secured Visa® o lea nuestra revisión completa.
Lo mejor para una bancarrota reciente:Tarjeta de crédito Indigo® Mastercard® Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Tarifa anual:$0 - $99.
Rango APR:24,9%.
Otras características:no tendrá que pagar un depósito de seguridad.
Por qué Indigo® Mastercard® es una buena opción para las personas con mal crédito
Si una bancarrota reciente es la razón de su puntaje crediticio bajo, la tarjeta de crédito Indigo® Mastercard® es la tarjeta con la que debe comenzar su esfuerzo de reconstrucción. Informan a las tres principales agencias de crédito, por lo que podrá comenzar a crear una nueva referencia de crédito rápidamente.
La tarjeta tampoco está asegurada, por lo que no tendrá que preocuparse por un depósito de seguridad.
Cómo utilizar la tarjeta de crédito Indigo® Mastercard®
Realice sus pagos a tiempo todos los meses y comenzará a desarrollar una buena referencia de crédito con cada una de las tres principales agencias de crédito.
Aún mejor, liquide su saldo cada mes para evitar cualquier posibilidad de deber más de lo que puede pagar o arriesgarse a un pago atrasado.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar la tarjeta de crédito Indigo® Mastercard®
Esta es otra tarjeta de crédito con una tarifa anual elevada. Puede llegar hasta $99.
Obtenga más información sobre la tarjeta de crédito Indigo® Mastercard® o lea nuestra reseña completa.
Mejor sin crédito:Milestone Mastercard® Aplicar ahora en el sitio web seguro Tarifa anual:$35 - $99*.
Rango APR:24,9%.
Otras características:No se requiere depósito de seguridad.
Por qué Milestone Mastercard® es una buena opción para las personas con mal crédito
Milestone Mastercard® informa a las tres principales agencias de crédito. Su línea de crédito inicial no será inferior a $300, sin necesidad de depósito de seguridad.
Cómo usar Milestone Mastercard®
Como es el caso con todas las tarjetas de crédito para personas con mal crédito, es fundamental realizar sus pagos mensuales a tiempo. También debe hacer todo lo posible para pagar su saldo en su totalidad cada mes.
Por qué es posible que no desee considerar Milestone Mastercard®
Según su perfil crediticio, la tarifa anual será de $35, $59 o $75 (la última cambia a una tarifa anual de $99 después del primer año para los años siguientes).
Obtenga más información sobre Milestone Mastercard® o lea nuestra reseña completa.
Cómo creamos esta lista
Las tarjetas de crédito con puntajes FICO inferiores a 500 son una categoría de tarjeta de crédito muy especializada. Comenzamos identificando aquellas tarjetas que dan servicio a este sector del mercado. Luego buscamos ciertos factores específicos que consideramos que hacían que estas tarjetas fueran particularmente adecuadas para este rango de puntaje crediticio.
Esos factores incluyen:
Tarjetas que están disponibles para aquellos con los puntajes de crédito más bajos.
El emisor informa a las tres principales agencias de crédito:TransUnion, Experian y Equifax, lo que le brinda la oportunidad de aumentar su puntaje crediticio con las tres.
Tarjetas de crédito garantizadas o no garantizadas:las personas con los peores perfiles crediticios pueden necesitar la garantía.
Tarjetas con límites de crédito iniciales pequeños pero razonables. Deben ser lo suficientemente altos para ser utilizables, pero no tan altos como para endeudarlo profundamente.
Cuota anual baja o nula (máximo menos de $100).
Ofreciendo la posibilidad de aumentar su línea de crédito según lo justifique su historial de pago.
Características de la tarjeta, como recompensas y otros beneficios, si se ofrecen.
¿Qué es un puntaje de crédito malo?
La definición de mal crédito depende de la institución de crédito. Hay rangos generales de puntaje de crédito que se consideran excelentes, buenos, regulares y malos. Pero cada institución de crédito establece sus propios estándares.
Por ejemplo, un prestamista puede considerar que el mal crédito es un puntaje de menos de 580. Otro puede considerar que comienza en 620 o menos. Pero en la gran mayoría de los casos, un puntaje de crédito de 500 o menos se considerará muy mal crédito. Eso limitará severamente sus opciones en cuanto a dónde puede solicitar crédito y los tipos de crédito que puede solicitar.
El problema específico con las tarjetas de crédito es que generalmente son préstamos sin garantía. Si no puede pagar su deuda, no hay garantía que el prestamista pueda buscar para satisfacer el saldo impago. Esta es la razón por la que los prestamistas son tan selectivos al emitir tarjetas de crédito, y especialmente con aquellas tarjetas que tienen los mejores términos y beneficios.
Cómo obtener una tarjeta de crédito con mal crédito
Si su puntaje de crédito es 500 o menos, no podrá encontrar tarjetas de crédito en los lugares donde la gente suele buscar. Un puntaje de crédito tan bajo se determina como mal crédito. Las opciones para tarjetas de crédito serán extremadamente limitadas.
Para encontrar una tarjeta de crédito para usted, tendrá que hacer dos cosas:
Ignore los muchos anuncios de tarjetas con tasas de interés bajas, con beneficios como recompensas y 0% de APR introductorio. No calificarás para eso, pero puedes distraerte seriamente al intentarlo.
Concéntrese en los proveedores de tarjetas que ofrecen tarjetas específicamente para personas con mal crédito. Están disponibles y los tenemos enumerados en este artículo.
Las características más importantes de las tarjetas de crédito si su puntaje es 500
Searching for a credit card when your credit score is in the 500 zone is different than shopping for credit cards for good credit. The emphasis is far less on factors like rewards points or cash back, travel perks, or a 0% introductory balance transfer offer.
With a score below 500, your main objective is to just get a credit card with the most basic features. The primary purpose is to enable you to either establish or improve your credit score. Only when you can do that will the more attractive credit cards be available to you.
When shopping for a credit card when your FICO score is below 500, the following features are most relevant:
Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
If you have bad credit, a high interest rate will be a fact of life. You can easily be assigned an APR of 30% or higher.
Since your interest rate will be high, you’ll need to focus on paying off your balance every month. That will lower the cost of keeping the card, since you’ll at least remove interest expense from the equation.
Annual Fee
It might make sense to pay an annual fee for a high-end, unsecured travel or cash back card, which will probably earn enough in rewards to make up for its annual fee and then some.
But it’s harder to justify paying an annual fee for a secured, credit rebuilding card, which will likely offer very basic features.
Try to cut costs where you can by going for a secured card with no annual fee. We’ve got a few no annual fee cards included on our list. But keep in mind that since your primary motivation is to improve your credit score, a card with a small annual fee will still help you accomplish that goal — though at a higher cost.
Additional Card Benefits
On the bright side, it is possible (albeit rare) to find credit cards for bad credit that offer benefits like cash back rewards, or $0 liability for unauthorized charges. Some of the cards on our list do offer these benefits.
Collision damage waivers on rental cars may also be available, but credit limits are usually too low to take advantage of this benefit.
How Do Secured Credit Cards Work?
Credit cards for bad credit will typically be secured cards, though there are few unsecured credit cards that may also be available to those with a low credit score. There are benefits in each case.
Secured Cards
A secured credit card will usually provide a credit limit equal to the amount of its security deposit. For example, if you place a deposit for $500, your credit limit will typically be $500.
Even though your card is secured, you’ll still have to make timely monthly payments on the balance owed, just as you would for an unsecured card. And of course, that payment performance is what will be reported to the credit bureaus.
The obvious disadvantage of a secured card is that your credit limit is determined by the amount of cash you have available for the deposit. And if you have no cash at all, you won’t be able to open a secured card.
But there are several advantages to having a secured card:
Secured cards work just like regular credit cards, and can be used in the same way.
They provide you with a credit card for those circumstances where they may be required over cash or some other payment method.
If the card’s issuer reports to all three credit bureaus, that will enable you to improve your credit score.
Because they’re secured with a deposit, secured credit cards may come with either a very low annual fee, or none at all.
Most secured card issuers will automatically increase your credit limit after a few months of favorable payment history.
Most card issuers will convert your account to unsecured once you develop a favorable payment history.
Unsecured Cards
Unsecured cards offer all the benefits of secured cards, but an unsecured card is typically preferred for the obvious reason that cardholders are not required to put up a security deposit. This keeps more of your cash free.
The biggest downside to unsecured cards is that they often charge high annual fees. The annual fee is treated like any other card charge/purchase. If you don’t pay the fee off, you’ll pay interest on the amount you owe.
But the annual fee might be worthwhile if:
You pay the annual fee charge off immediately and thus avoid interest charges.
You take full advantage of the card’s overall benefit package, or earn rewards points or cash back valued in excess of the card’s annual fee.
The table below summarizes the difference between secured and unsecured credit cards:
Secured cards Unsecured cards Make purchases on credit Yes Yes Report to all 3 credit bureaus Yes Yes Annual fee Usually very low (≤$35) Can be as high as $500+ Interest rate Usually 18%-30% Usually 15%-25% Automatic credit line increases Yes On some only Convert to unsecured Generally, yes N/A
How to Properly Use a Credit Card for Bad Credit
If you get approved for a credit card for bad credit — great! But please understand the card can either help you or hurt you.
Here are some best use practices to implement for these cards:
Pay Off Your Balance Quickly and Regularly
There are three basic problems with carrying a balance:
Balances incur interest, and that raises the cost of having the card.
Carrying a balance further reduces an already low credit limit.
Carrying a balance increases the chance of you defaulting on your debt.
All three of those complications can be avoided by living within your means, not overspending, and paying off your balance in full every month.
Don’t Get a Card with an Annual Fee
A large annual fee will eat into your expendable income and increase the likelihood of you carrying a balance and incurring interest charges.
You want to use a credit card to improve your credit. But a very high annual fee could make the cost of doing so too high.
Put Small Charges on Your Card
No matter what type of card you get, this is probably the single most important practice. Be sure any charges you incur can be easily repaid when the credit card bill comes in next month. Those should be small, routine charges.
A $10 charge here, and a $20 charge there — and no more than one or two per month — will enable you to improve your credit through small monthly payments. But at the same time, it won’t put you into a position where you’ll have a balance you can’t pay off completely.
How to Improve Bad Credit
We’ve already pointed out that the specific type of card you can get will depend on your creditworthiness. You’ll get a better card if your credit score is 585, versus 500. For that reason, you should take steps in advance to maximize your credit score before applying.
In addition to paying your bills on time and keeping your credit card balances low, you can also use a service like Experian Boost to achieve the score required to get the card you want. Experian customers, on average, boosted their score by 13 points. So while it won’t completely transform your credit, it can be a great way to start moving those numbers in an upward direction.
Start Out By Getting Your Free Credit Score
As we noted earlier, this is the most important step. You need to know exactly where your credit score is at before applying. You also need to be aware of the factors causing the score that you have.
Dispute Any Errors
If there is any information contained in your credit report that’s not accurate, you’ll have an opportunity to fix it. Contact the creditor, report the error, and provide written documentation proving it’s wrong.
Get written notification from the creditor acknowledging the error. Also, request the creditor report corrected information to all three credit bureaus. If they don’t, you’ll have to send the notification from the creditor acknowledging the error to all three bureaus yourself.
Allow at least 30 days after the successful dispute before pulling your credit score again, and making an application for a credit card.
Pay ALL Your Bills on Time from Now On
Whether you’re about to apply for a credit card, or you just got a brand new one, resolve to pay all your bills on time from now on.
That applies not just to your credit card, but to all obligations. Though landlords and utility companies don’t report your good payment history to the credit bureaus, they will report delinquencies. This is particularly true of unpaid balances.
Make sure that doesn’t happen. Unpaid balances, like collections and judgments, will drive your credit score even lower.
Pay Off Any Past Due Balances
If your credit report shows any unpaid balances, you should settle them as soon as possible. This includes collections, charge-offs, and judgments. Paying them off won’t remove the delinquency from your credit report, but a paid account always works better on your credit report than an open one.
Plan to Open a New Credit Card Every Six Months or So
We said earlier you shouldn’t apply for several credit cards at once. But once you have a credit card open, and you have a good payment history, it will then be time to apply for a second.
New applications should be at least six months apart. The purpose is so that you can begin building multiple positive credit references. Those will improve your credit score much more quickly than a single credit line.
But apply all the other rules we recommended. Keep your charges low, and pay off your balance each month. That’ll make sure your credit rebuilding efforts work exactly as they’re supposed to.
Alternative Cards for People with Credit Scores Around 500
Credit cards aren’t the only payment methods for people with credit scores under 500. There are several other payment types you can investigate.
Should I Just Use a Debit Card?
Debit cards have evolved to the point where they function very much like credit cards. You can generally use them anywhere credit cards are accepted.
But there are some factors you need to be aware of…
A Debit Card Can’t Help You Build Credit
A debit card doesn’t involve monthly payments. For that reason, the issuer doesn’t report your account information to the credit bureaus. That removes any possibility the debit card will help you to rebuild your credit.
A Debit Card Can Help You Control Spending
One of the big advantages of a debit card is that you can’t spend any more money than you have in the account it’s connected to. The account balance serves the same function as a credit limit on a credit card.
But it doesn’t actually provide you with credit — you won’t be able to spend money you don’t have. That’s a major positive if you’ve had trouble managing your finances in the past, and ended up spending more than you actually had.
Should I Use a Prepaid Card?
Prepaid cards serve a purpose, but they’re even more limited than debit cards.
How Do Prepaid Cards Work?
Prepaid cards work similarly to debit cards, except you don’t have a bank account connected to the card. Instead, you purchase the card, and the amount you pay for it serves as the credit limit. They often work just like credit and debit cards, except you have to pay the spending limit in advance.
After you purchase the card, you can “recharge it” by adding more money to it. You can continue using the card as long as it has money on it.
Are Prepaid Cards a Good Idea?
The basic purpose of prepaid cards is so that you’ll have a card to use in those situations where it’s required. There is an increasing number of merchants and vendors who don’t accept cash. A prepaid card can enable you to transact in such places.
This can be especially important if you want to make online purchases. You’ll absolutely need a card to do that, and a prepaid card will work in that situation.
On the downside, prepaid cards don’t provide a credit reference. If your goal is to increase your credit score, they’ll have zero effect.
Another negative is fees. You’ll have to pay a fee to purchase the card, and even a fee each time you recharge it. It’s an expensive way to gain use of a card for financial transactions.
What About Store Credit Cards?
Store cards are best described as limited-use credit cards.
How Do Store Cards Work?
Store cards are actually credit cards issued by specific merchants. You’re provided with a credit limit, you’ll pay interest on any outstanding balance, and the merchant will generally report your payment history to the credit bureaus.
So far so good.
Are Store Cards a Good Idea?
Store cards have several downsides:
They’re not general usage credit cards — they can only be used with the issuing merchant.
They generally charge very high interest rates.
If you have bad credit, you probably won’t be approved.
Store cards are established to encourage you to spend money with the merchant. If you have bad credit, going deeper into debt is the last thing you need to do.
There’s one other factor you need to be aware of with store cards. Credit card operations are not a main line of business for merchants. For that reason, store credit card operations can be disorganized. That can lead to erroneous credit reporting, which will usually work against you.
For those reasons, they’re not recommended if you’re trying to rebuild credit.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Debit, Prepaid, and Store Cards Debit cards Prepaid cards Store cards Require credit approval? Limited No Yes Report to credit bureaus? No No Yes Will improve your credit score? No No Possibly Purchases subject to interest charges? No No Yes
Types of Cards to Avoid If You Have Bad Credit
If you have bad credit, you may assume getting approved for any card is a step in the right direction. While that might sometimes be true, there are situations you’ll definitely want to avoid.
Cards with High Annual Fees
You certainly don’t want to get into a situation where you’ll have to pay $150 for a $400 credit line. On a percentage basis, that annual fee is just too high.
Even worse, it increases the likelihood you’ll be carrying a balance on the card. And with interest rates in excess of 20% per month, that will make the annual fee even higher. It will be interest on a charge that provided absolutely no benefit to you either.
Cards with High Fees in General
The annual fee isn’t the only fee you need to be concerned with. There are others, and while they may be infrequent, they can really add up.
Some examples include:
Late payment fees . These are generally in the $35-$40 range, even on credit cards with good credit. But since your credit limit will be much lower, they’ll have a much bigger impact. Late payments must be avoided since you’re trying to improve your credit score.
Balance transfer fees . These are generally in the 3% to 5% range, but they often have flat fee minimums of $10. Again, these will eat into a small credit limit.
Cash advance fees . You may be tempted to take cash advances, but they’re costly. They can amount to 3% to 8%, with a minimum of $10.
All credit cards charge these fees, but it should be your plan to avoid having to pay any of them. Also, you should completely avoid any card that has fees in excess of those listed above.
High-Spend Credit Cards
Yes, everyone wants a credit card with a high credit limit and generous rewards. But if your credit score is below 500, these are the exact types of cards you need to avoid!
High credit limits and generous rewards — which are specifically designed to get you to use the card more frequently — are a one-way ticket to a high credit card balance. If you struggled with credit in the past, this can leave you with a debt you can’t afford to pay. That will lead to late payments, and a further deterioration of your credit score.
Never forget that your primary purpose in taking a credit card when your score is below 500 is to improve that score. You should specifically avoid doing anything that holds the potential to make matters worse.
Preguntas frecuentes What Happens If I Miss a Credit Card Payment?
If you miss a credit card payment you’ll likely be charged a late payment fee of between $35 and $40. Most cards will also increase your interest rate, perhaps to as high as 29.99% APR. Even worse, your effort to rebuild your credit will be stalled. Not only will the late payment be reported to the major credit bureaus, but the likelihood of having your credit limit increased or moved from secured to unsecured status will be jeopardized.
How Do You Prequalify for a Credit Card?
To prequalify for a credit card you’ll fill out a brief online application, and you’ll typically receive an immediate response letting you know if you’re eligible. Once you have confirmation of eligibility you can then complete a full application.
Can I Make Balance Transfers with a Secured Credit Card?
On most credit cards for people with bad credit, you are able to make balance transfers. Those transfers are complicated by very low credit limits, and the higher interest rates that are typically charged on such transactions. In addition, there is usually a balance transfer fee of at least 3% of the amount transferred.
How Long Will It Take Before I Can Apply for a Better Credit Card?
That depends on two things:how bad your credit situation is now and how well you manage your current credit card. If your low credit score is mainly the result of very little credit in combination with a couple of late payments, you may see your score rise considerably after just a few months. But if you have a history of late payments, or a recent bankruptcy, you may need to use one of these cards for at least a couple of years before trading up.
How Much Use Can I Get Out of a Credit Limit of Just $200 or $300?
In truth, not much. But that’s not the point of credit rebuilding cards. The idea is to use them to make small charges, and then repay promptly. Your whole strategy needs to be to develop the kind of credit payment history that will increase your credit score, and make you eligible for better card offers. For this reason, the small size of the available credit limit isn’t a major factor.
It’s easy to feel discouraged by what seems like a limited number of card options available to those with bad credit scores. But the cards that are available to you can serve as a serious stepping stone in your journey to greener financial pastures.
You should typically start to see significant improvements to your credit score after you’ve made on-time, in-full payments with your secured card for about a year. Then you can find a more valuable credit card for your new and improved credit score via these articles:
Best credit cards for a credit score above 750
Best credit cards for a credit score between 700 – 749
Best credit cards for a credit score between 650 – 699
Best credit cards for a credit score between 600 – 649
Petal credit cards are issued by WebBank, Member FDIC.