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Haz dinero en línea

Estás leyendo esta guía porque quieres ganar dinero en línea . Tú, mi amigo, estás en el lugar correcto para hacer que esto suceda.

Hoy, voy a enseñarte algunas de las siguientes cosas:

  • Cómo ganar dinero en línea
  • Cuánto puede ganar en línea
  • Dónde ir para ganar dinero en línea
  • Cómo cobrar realmente por hacer este trabajo
  • Cómo ganar $100, $1000 e incluso $5000 al mes en línea
  • Cómo ganar dinero mientras trabajas a tiempo completo
  • Qué se necesita para ganar dinero en línea

No hay trucos aquí. No estoy tratando de venderte un curso de $ 79 o de venderte un curso. Estoy aquí para ayudar a las personas a ganar dinero extra. ¿Sabías que la persona PROMEDIO se declara en bancarrota con más de $58 al mes? Realmente, eso es todo. Puede parecer triste, pero la persona promedio en los Estados Unidos se declara en bancarrota con más de $58 al mes. $58 se convierte en $140-$180 en el segundo mes, dependiendo de los cargos por pago atrasado. Doce meses después, tiene una deuda de $ 4000. Entonces realmente comienza a sumar. Después de 24 meses, ahora tiene una deuda de casi $ 30,000. Los intereses y los cargos por pagos atrasados ​​comienzan a acumularse. No puede hacer sus facturas, ni siquiera puede hacer las multas y tarifas. Comienza a matarte un poco cada día. Dos años más tarde, se declara en bancarrota.

Entonces, ¿qué estoy diciendo? Te enseñaré gratis cómo ganar $ 100, $ 500 y $ 1,000 adicionales al mes. Si eres realmente bueno y te esfuerzas, no veo ninguna razón por la que en doce meses puedas estar ganando $5,000 al mes extra. No prometo nada, pero he enseñado a muchas personas a hacer esto. Mi sistema es reemplazable y funciona para todos. Puedes ser introvertido y ganar dinero en línea. Puedes ser extrovertido y ganar dinero en línea. No tienes que ser un genio. Solo ponte manos a la obra.

¿Por qué estoy haciendo esto? Bastante simple, ODIO la deuda. Tenía una deuda de $ 30,000 en un momento. Lo pagué. No quiero que ninguno de ustedes tenga que preocuparse por eso. Esta es su salida de la deuda que se ha acumulado durante años.

Lo que no haré:

  1. No le pediré que me compre un curso de "ganar dinero en línea".
  2. No te pediré que me des un dólar.
  3. No te pediré que gastes miles de dólares.

Sin embargo, le pediré lo siguiente:

  1. Te pediré que dediques algunas horas extra todos los días.
  2. Te pediré que inviertas en ti mismo.
  3. Te pediré que te arriesgues. Arriésgate a ti mismo.

¿Es fácil ganar dinero en línea?

Si y no. Si desea ganar $ 100 rápidamente en línea, es muy simple. A continuación hay más de 100 formas fáciles de ganar dinero en línea. Si quieres hacerlo de manera consistente, también es bastante fácil. Si desea ganar $ 1,000 adicionales al mes de manera constante, eso requerirá un poco más de trabajo. Pero es 100% factible.

Según sus objetivos, es posible ganar miles en línea.

¿Es el momento adecuado para iniciar un negocio en línea?

Estadísticas de la Gig Economy:sí, es posible ganar dinero en línea

Estas son algunas de las estadísticas que prueban que este es el momento de conectarse y comenzar su negocio:

  • Más de un tercio de los trabajadores estadounidenses participan en la economía informal. ¡Eso significa que cerca de 57 millones de estadounidenses están ganando dinero en línea!
  • Más del 90 % de los estadounidenses consideraría trabajar por cuenta propia o por contrato independiente.
  • Para 2023, más de la mitad (52 %) de la fuerza laboral de EE. UU. se habrá unido a los trabajadores de la economía informal.
  • Aquellos que se unieron a la economía de los conciertos buscaban ganar más dinero mientras lograban un mejor equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida.
  • La mayoría de los trabajadores temporales son Baby Boomers, Generación X y Millennials.
  • Los autónomos normalmente pueden ganar una tarifa por hora más alta con trabajos en línea que si se convirtieran en empleados.
  • Hay cientos de empresas estadounidenses que ahora están contratando trabajadores temporales. El mundo está a tu alcance porque hay aún más empresas en todo el mundo que también quieren trabajar contigo.

Casi 100 formas de ganar dinero en línea

Puede unirse a las filas de esas estadísticas al unirse a la economía de conciertos. Aquí hay más de cien formas de ganar dinero en línea. Algunos incluso se pueden ganar como un negocio secundario o un concierto.

Divulgación: Algunos de los enlaces a continuación que le enseñan cómo ganar dinero en línea me hacen ganar dinero. Soy un poco egoísta. Quiero ganar dinero en el camino. Cuando haces clic en algunos enlaces, gano dinero. Estoy detrás de todas las empresas de las que hablo. ¡¿Los maestros tienen que ganar dinero de alguna manera, verdad?!


La consultoría es una carrera que te permite ofrecer consejos expertos a otros sobre un tema o nicho que conoces bien. En este puesto, normalmente ayuda a otros empresarios con un problema que les cuesta abordar o resolver. Son sus consejos y dirección los que pueden ayudar a esos empresarios a encontrar la solución que necesitan.

Las empresas están dispuestas a pagar a los consultores porque necesitan asistencia o quieren resolver el problema aún más rápido. También les gustaría trabajar con alguien que haya experimentado el mismo problema antes y lo haya solucionado. Esa disposición a pagar significa que puedes monetizar tus experiencias y usarlas para ayudar a otros.

Para tener éxito y diferenciarse en el entorno de la consultoría, deberá seleccionar un nicho en lugar de tratar de ser todo para todos. Ese nicho puede ser financiero, recursos humanos, seguridad, estrategia, etc. O puede ser una pequeña empresa, salud y bienestar, comercio minorista, tecnología, etc. Asegúrese de tener las habilidades, los conocimientos y la pasión para impulsar el éxito en esa área de consultoría.

AdSense de Google

Google AdSense le permite ganar dinero al permitir que otros utilicen su sitio web como una valla publicitaria. Es un flujo pasivo de ingresos que funciona y que he usado en varios sitios web. Google AdSense hace coincidir los anuncios con su sitio web según el contenido de su nicho y el tipo de visitantes. Los anuncios son creados y pagados por anunciantes que desean promocionar sus productos a su misma audiencia. Los anunciantes pagan diferentes precios según el tipo de anuncios que desean colocar en su sitio web.

Para que se sienta más fluido, puede personalizar los anuncios que aparecen en su sitio web. Otras opciones proporcionan una forma de determinar también cuántos anuncios diferentes, la frecuencia y el nivel de pago. También es gratis unirse a AdSense, por lo que también garantiza que entre más dinero en su bolsillo. Si todavía no está seguro, pruebe la calculadora de Google AdSense, que le ayuda a estimar lo que puede ganar.

Marketing de afiliados

El marketing de afiliación es otra increíble fuente de ingresos pasivos (también conocida como ganar dinero mientras duermes). Usted gana dinero cuando un minorista en línea le paga una comisión por el tráfico o las ventas que se generan a partir de sus referencias. Por lo general, estas referencias vienen a través del contacto en su sitio web. Sin embargo, es diferente a cómo funciona Google AdSense con un anuncio visual que aparece en su sitio web.

En cambio, el marketing de afiliación funciona a través de enlaces que se colocan dentro del contenido de su sitio web. Podría estar en su blog o en el contenido de la página de destino. Encuentre muchos tipos de asociaciones que estén alineadas con productos y servicios atractivos sobre los que su audiencia puede disfrutar aprendiendo más. Tómese el tiempo para investigar, medir y realizar un seguimiento para asegurarse de que está optimizando sus esfuerzos.

Asistente virtual

Convertirse en asistente virtual puede tener más demanda que nunca a medida que más empresas trabajan de forma remota. Este es un rol en línea increíblemente diverso que puede variar de una compañía a otra. Puede incluir contabilidad ligera, programación, respuesta de correo electrónico y otras tareas que consumen mucho tiempo. La cantidad de horas necesarias también variará, lo que lo hace ideal para agregar un trabajo adicional junto con la escritura independiente o cualquier otra cosa que se enumera aquí en nuestras 100 formas principales de ganar dinero en línea.

Para convertirse en un asistente virtual, debe tener ciertas habilidades que lo ayuden a completar estas tareas, incluida la organización y la gestión del tiempo, tener habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación efectivas, y poner a trabajar un buen conocimiento de Internet y herramientas en línea. En lugar de tratar con personas en persona, deberá ser bueno para manejar varias personalidades a través de mensajería instantánea, correo electrónico y conferencias de audio y video.

La tarifa promedio por hora de un asistente virtual puede oscilar entre $15 y $30, según la experiencia y el tipo de empresa.

Cursos en línea

Más estudiantes, profesionales e incluso ejecutivos recurren a la educación en línea para ampliar sus habilidades y convertirlos en candidatos más atractivos para el trabajo. Esto proporciona una forma de monetizar aún más cualquier conocimiento y experiencia únicos que pueda tener y convertirlos en material de curso en línea.

Hay muchas maneras de ganar dinero con los cursos en línea. Puede cobrar una tarifa por adelantado por todo el curso ofrecido a través de su sitio web. O bien, puede ofrecer el curso de forma gratuita pero cobrando para certificar o licenciar a cada cliente que toma el curso. El curso se puede ofrecer de forma gratuita junto con la compra de un producto o servicio. Otras opciones de pago incluyen un modelo de suscripción o un sistema de pago por niveles.


Los podcasts están ganando popularidad a medida que más personas disfrutan escuchándolos mientras trabajan, hacen ejercicio y viajan. Dado que se puede acceder a ellos a través de una computadora portátil o un dispositivo móvil, los podcasts son una forma portátil y conveniente de aprender más, escuchar algunas discusiones interesantes y simplemente entretenerse de diferentes maneras. Son fáciles de configurar y ofrecer a través de una amplia gama de directorios o aplicaciones de podcasting.

Además de alojar un podcast, hay otras formas de monetizar este trabajo en línea. Puede agregar patrocinadores y publicidad, así como oportunidades de marketing de afiliados. Su podcast podría ser una forma de canalizar muchos otros conciertos en línea, incluidos cursos, servicios, consultoría, eventos, productos, hablar en público y libros y contenido.

Si bien es posible que no obtenga el trato multimillonario que Joe Rogan acaba de recibir de Spotify, puede ganar dinero en línea con podcasts. Según el tamaño de su audiencia y la cantidad de flujos de ingresos que combine bajo su apodo de podcast, puede ganar de miles a decenas de miles de dólares cada mes.

Venta de libros

A menos que usted sea uno de los Stephen Kings del mundo de los autores, escribir un libro puede parecer un trabajo ingrato, siempre y cuando siga el camino tradicional de la publicación de libros. Comience por tomar el camino de la autopublicación para que pueda mantener el control de sus ingresos por la venta de libros. Sitios como Amazon y Barnes &Noble facilitan la autopublicación y las ventas.

A partir de ahí, puede usar anuncios dirigidos en redes sociales, publicaciones de blog de invitados y entrevistas de podcasts, y eventos o cursos en línea para fomentar más ventas. Si trabaja como consultor, puede incluir el libro en su paquete de servicios de consultoría para obtener valor adicional para los clientes e ingresos para usted.

Experiencia para es un mercado de asesoramiento de expertos uno a uno donde las personas pueden acudir para obtener ayuda con una amplia variedad de temas, problemas y desafíos comerciales. En lugar de comenzar su propio negocio de consultoría desde cero, es posible comenzar a ganar dinero en línea más rápido en un sitio establecido como este. Su trabajo con los clientes implica llamadas de consultoría al estilo de preguntas y respuestas.

Después de configurar su perfil, también puede enumerar su tarifa por hora. Recuerde que cobra alrededor del 15% de cada tarifa de llamada de consultoría, así que asegúrese de cobrar en consecuencia teniendo esto en cuenta. Además, asegúrese de brindar el mejor asesoramiento posible para que los clientes vean el valor de regresar para llamadas de seguimiento y más consejos. También puede usar el mercado como una plataforma de redes para expandir su círculo profesional.

Generación de prospectos

Aunque el marketing de afiliación encaja en la categoría de generación de prospectos, la recopilación de prospectos en línea también implica otras oportunidades. Las empresas desean desesperadamente encontrar a los miembros de la audiencia que se ajusten a su perfil de alguien que compraría su producto o servicio. Puede ayudarlos brindándoles clientes potenciales, que incluyen información sobre esos prospectos ideales que las empresas podrían convertir en clientes.

Los clientes potenciales tienden a ser una forma lucrativa de ganar dinero en línea. La tarifa actual puede ser de $ 5 a $ 50 por cliente potencial. Si puede entregar clientes potenciales de calidad en grandes cantidades, entonces puede obtener una tasa de interés más alta. Imagine poder lograr esto en varias empresas. El dinero se acumulará, y rápidamente.

Redacción independiente

Las empresas necesitan grandes cantidades de contenido de alta calidad para sus blogs, páginas de destino, sitios web y cuentas de redes sociales. También contratan a escritores independientes para otros proyectos, como artículos de liderazgo intelectual, libros blancos, manuales técnicos, artículos de la mesa de ayuda, guiones y discursos. Las empresas encuentran que también ayuda tener diferentes "voces" y estilos en su contenido, por lo que tener un equipo de escritores independientes proporciona una forma de diversificar ese contenido.

Si le gusta escribir, puede encontrar numerosos sitios web independientes en línea que enumeran trabajos y proyectos con todo tipo de empresas. Es posible que desee seleccionar un nicho y especializarse en esa área, como una industria o un segmento comercial. Es útil saber cómo escribir diferentes tipos de escritura, como una publicación de blog versus una publicación de redes sociales.

Muchos proyectos de escritura independientes pagan por palabra, pero otros también pueden preferir hacer una tarifa por hora. En el extremo más bajo de la paga, tarifas que llegan a menos de diez centavos por palabra. Sin embargo, los escritores experimentados pueden ganar más de $1 por palabra en algunas tareas.

Las tarifas por hora a menudo varían desde el salario mínimo hasta $100 por hora, según su experiencia y el presupuesto de la empresa. Busque clientes que valoren su talento en lugar de intentar que haga una gran cantidad de contenido a un precio económico. Además, comprenda que tiene que trabajar con tarifas más altas a medida que adquiere experiencia.

Mire sitios como Guru, Indeed, Pangian y más para encontrar trabajos independientes. Además, las empresas y agencias están comenzando a contratar más escritores independientes que empleados tradicionales de tiempo completo para hacer este trabajo.

Publicaciones de blog patrocinadas

Escribir una publicación de blog patrocinada ofrece una forma para que las empresas obtengan información sobre sí mismas frente a un público objetivo. Hay muchas formas en las que te pueden pagar para crear este tipo de contenido lucrativo. Simplemente puede publicar un artículo escrito por su patrocinador en su blog o escribir uno para ellos en función de la información que envíe el patrocinador. Además, el contenido patrocinado incluye reseñas y enlaces agregados a publicaciones de blog existentes.

Para ganar este tipo de trabajo en línea, deberá tener un blog que ya esté recibiendo un tráfico y una participación significativos. Si no lo hace, es posible que desee seguir con el marketing de afiliación por el momento hasta que aumente el número de seguidores de su blog.

Si tiene ese tráfico, entonces su tasa debe reflejar el nivel de influencia que ofrece, incluida la autoridad de su dominio. Su tarifa también debe tener en cuenta lo que quiere el patrocinador y cuánto trabajo implica crearlo. Un ejemplo puede ser que puede ganar entre $ 50 y $ 200 por publicación patrocinada. Solo recuerde que hay algunos problemas con las publicaciones patrocinadas que debe considerar antes de lanzarse. A Google no le gustan los enlaces pagos y penalizará cualquier blog que considere que ofrece esto. moviendo su clasificación mucho más abajo. Además, la FTC ahora requiere que usted reconozca si ha sido compensado de alguna manera (pago o producto) por una empresa mencionada en sus publicaciones. Deberá equilibrar estas publicaciones patrocinadas porque a su audiencia no necesariamente le gustará la idea de que muchas publicaciones están patrocinados. Se sentirán como si les estuvieran vendiendo, y no es por eso que vienen a tu blog. Concéntrese en presentar por qué está compartiendo estas empresas en relación con el valor que agregan para la audiencia.

Seminarios web pagados

Con la cancelación de la mayoría de los eventos en persona y el paso al trabajo y la educación remotos, existe una oportunidad aún mayor de ganar dinero en línea con seminarios web pagos. Puede ganar dinero en línea organizando un seminario web que se centre en su propia experiencia, que incluya un panel de expertos, que presente información sobre cursos en línea o que ofrezca una demostración del producto.

Para asegurarse de aprovechar al máximo el esfuerzo de organizar un seminario web pago, tómese el tiempo para encontrar la mejor plataforma de seminario web que lo ayude a vender boletos y ofrecer un evento en línea de calidad. Promocione su seminario web en todos los lugares donde se encuentre su audiencia para maximizar los ingresos. Finalmente, reúna el contenido de calidad más atractivo que deje a la audiencia con la sensación de que su dinero vale la pena.

Cuando se trata de hacer un seminario web de demostración de un producto, estos tienden a ser gratuitos para verlos con la esperanza de que pueda ganar dinero al vender el producto que demostró. Lo mismo ocurre con el seminario web diseñado para presentar un curso en línea.

Vídeos de YouTube

Si alguna vez ha estado en YouTube, entonces sabe lo fácil que es dejarse atrapar por ver un video tras otro, especialmente si está buscando consejos útiles sobre cómo reparar o hacer algo. Más que nunca, los consumidores y las empresas recurren a YouTube para obtener asistencia visual, consejos y conocimientos. Hay muchas formas de ganar dinero en línea a través de la publicidad de YouTube. Sin embargo, este concierto se enfoca en hacer videos en tu propio canal de YouTube. No necesita muchas herramientas ni una gran inversión para crear sus videos instructivos antes de comenzar a ver un retorno.

Cuantos más espectadores y suscriptores tenga, más dinero podrá ganar. Tu rentabilidad también se basa en tu nicho y el nivel de demanda de lo que ofreces. Cuanto mayor sea su valor en términos de cómo puede ayudar a otros a arreglar algo, mejorar o aprender una nueva escuela, o cambiar la forma en que hacen algo, mejor serán sus videos instructivos y más dinero podrá ganar.

Respuestas a preguntas de expertos en JustAnswer

JustAnswer se creó porque el fundador buscaba una solución a un problema que tenía y no podía obtener respuestas a tiempo. Condujo a la idea de crear un sitio donde los expertos pudieran registrarse y responder las preguntas de las personas en su tiempo libre. El sitio busca expertos como médicos, veterinarios, profesionales de reparaciones del hogar, mecánicos y abogados para brindar asesoramiento oportuno.

Para aquellos de ustedes que tienen conocimiento experto, este puede ser un concierto dulce. Todo lo que hace es responder preguntas y recibir pagos para ayudar a los necesitados. Puede hablar, enviar mensajes de texto o chatear, así como ver o enviar documentos y fotos que podrían ayudar a resolver el problema de la persona. La tarifa oscila entre $ 5 y $ 90, y puede ver la tarifa que paga el usuario antes de responder la pregunta. Una calificación positiva de cada persona genera una comisión de la tarifa de hasta el 50% de la tarifa total. Los pagos se realizan a través de PayPal.

Además de la experiencia antes mencionada, también puede ayudar si tiene experiencia en la enseñanza, o puede ayudar con tasaciones, mascotas y más. Hay numerosas subcategorías, lo que lo hace accesible a una amplia gama de personas con experiencia.

Desarrollos de la comunidad en línea

Si tiene una comunidad en línea, tiene una audiencia cautiva que está interesada en cosas similares y que también busca comprarle a alguien en quien confía.

Hay muchas maneras de monetizar estas relaciones:

  1. Organizar eventos y vender entradas y patrocinios.
  2. Venda productos con la marca de la comunidad, como camisetas, gorras y artículos relacionados. Hacer que algunos artículos sean de edición limitada te ayuda a vender más a un precio premium.
  3. Ofrezca foros personalizados dentro de su comunidad que vienen con una membresía.
  4. Escriba un libro electrónico comunitario sobre cómo crear y administrar una comunidad en línea.
  5. Venda espacio en su comunidad en línea para que los miembros puedan publicar anuncios.
  6. Cree y administre bolsas de trabajo dentro de su comunidad y cobre una tarifa para publicar y ver trabajos.
  7. Asociarse con otras marcas y empresas para acceder a su comunidad por una tarifa.

Ventas de fotos

Si te encanta tomar fotografías, entonces la fotografía puede funcionar como un pasatiempo y una fuente de dinero en línea. Más allá del contenido escrito, las empresas quieren agregar imágenes únicas a sus publicaciones de blog, artículos, páginas de destino y más. Atrás quedaron los días de usar fotografías de archivo enlatadas porque no son atractivas para el público. En cambio, los espectadores disfrutan de imágenes auténticas y significativas que solo pueden ser capturadas por fotógrafos individuales con un ojo artístico.

Numerosos sitios de fotos están dispuestos a pagar hasta $100 por foto y, a veces, más, según el sitio y la imagen que tengan más demanda. Algunos de estos sitios incluyen 500px Prime, Shutterstock, iStockPhoto y SmugMug Pro.

Es posible que ya tenga una buena cámara, pero es posible que necesite más tipos de accesorios para crear imágenes verdaderamente mágicas. Además, sería útil invertir en un software de edición de fotos para crear algunas tomas más dramáticas y atrevidas que realmente sobresalgan. Busque en los sitios de stock de fotos para ver qué se vende más y ver si puede servir a este mercado. Podrá obtener más dinero seleccionando aquellas áreas temáticas que están de moda.


Anteriormente, la escritura independiente figuraba como una forma de rápido crecimiento para ganar dinero en línea. Ahora, llegas a la redacción de textos publicitarios en nuestra lista y te preguntas en qué se diferencia de la redacción independiente. A menudo, los términos se usan indistintamente. Sin embargo, hay algunas ligeras diferencias. De cualquier manera, estos son buenos trabajos para ganar dinero si tienes talento para escribir y un dominio de la gramática, el tono y la voz.

Ser un escritor independiente significa que no necesariamente trabajas para una empresa. Es una relación de contratista independiente. Por lo tanto, puede escribir de forma independiente casi cualquier cosa:anuncios, publicaciones en redes sociales, contenido de marketing y copia. Un freelancer puede ser un escritor fantasma, lo que significa que escribe contenido que luego se publica con el nombre de otra persona.

Por lo tanto, la redacción publicitaria es un tipo de escritura independiente. Este tipo de escritura generalmente implica escribir descripciones de productos o cualquier contenido que no tenga el nombre del autor adjunto. Otros ejemplos serían el contenido del sitio web, biografías, libros blancos, etc. Al igual que otros tipos de escritura en línea, puede encontrar estos trabajos a través de mercados independientes en línea. Las tarifas son similares a las mencionadas anteriormente en escritura independiente.

Instrucción de idiomas

Saber otros idiomas realmente puede dar sus frutos hoy en día, ya que más personas están interesadas en expandir sus propias capacidades. Puedes unirte a sitios como Verbling e iTalki donde puedes ganar entre $10 y $30 por hora ayudando a otros a aprender idiomas.

Sin embargo, una de las mayores oportunidades es enseñar inglés a estudiantes extranjeros a través de sitios de escuelas de inglés en línea. Estas escuelas en línea contratan a personas de todo el mundo con un buen dominio del idioma inglés por entre $18 y $23 por hora. La mayoría de los estudiantes tienden a estar en países asiáticos, por lo que deberá adaptarse a alguna diferencia horaria para realizar este tipo de trabajo en línea.

Recurso de propiedad para inversores ricos

Para hacerlo bien ayudando a los inversionistas adinerados como un recurso para la propiedad que pueden desear, deberá estar bien conectado dentro de los entornos de bienes raíces y propiedades. Esto significa tener contactos en su red que representen a promotores inmobiliarios, propietarios de propiedades comerciales y residenciales, sindicatos inmobiliarios y constructores. De lo contrario, un propietario adinerado podría acudir a un agente de bienes raíces.

Su trabajo es descubrir lo que no figura en la MLS y lo que ofrece el potencial de hacer que su cliente gane más dinero. Puede seguir clientes potenciales a través de sitios de crowdfunding de bienes raíces para ver qué desarrollos se avecinan, así como explorar otros planes inmobiliarios con empresas y desarrolladores de empresas emergentes de todo el mundo, haciendo el trabajo preliminar y la investigación para sus clientes. Luego, puede presentar la información y ayudar a negociar los tratos, si es necesario. Puede cobrar por hora o solicitar un arreglo basado en comisiones.

Conciertos en Fiverr

He podido vender mis servicios constantemente por $ 150- $ 300 por mes en Fiverr durante años, al igual que numerosos colegas. Ha sido una forma ideal de ganar dinero mientras construía mis nuevas empresas. A primera vista, es posible que descarte este sitio debido a trabajos que figuran en la lista de $5 o que parecen estar por debajo de su tarifa normal de trabajo independiente.

Sin embargo, debe profundizar más para descubrir que hay muchos trabajos rápidos y bien pagados disponibles. Invertir en estos trabajos lo ayudará a ascender en los rangos de su sistema escalonado para acceder a los trabajos mejor pagados que figuran en su sitio. Es el mercado Pro el que realmente comienza a brindar un mayor potencial para ganar dinero en línea.

La principal diferencia entre usar Fiverr y otro mercado independiente es cómo trabajas con los clientes. En lugar de publicar ofertas para nuevos trabajos, publica lo que puede hacer en Fiverr y espera a que las conexiones lleguen a usted. Esto lo convierte en una buena fuente adicional de ingresos porque puede continuar trabajando en otras fuentes de ingresos hasta que se conecte con un cliente en Fiverr. Tampoco tiene que perder tiempo negociando tarifas y términos porque ya ha incluido toda esa información en su perfil.

Pago por volverse más saludable

Sitios como AchieveMint le pagan por caminar, rastrear su comida o realizar encuestas de salud. Es una manera rápida y fácil de ganar unos cuantos dólares extra para hacer ejercicio y estar saludable. Y esa es solo una plataforma que está lista para repartir algo de dinero para verlo cambiar su estilo de vida para mejor. ¡Eso es una doble victoria para ti!

Aquí hay más:

1. Pacto: Haz un pacto para estar en forma o saludable, cúmplelo y gana dinero.

2. Ajuste de la corona: Esta aplicación le paga para hacer ejercicio a través de una serie de desafíos en los que puede ganar mucho o perder dinero si no supera los desafíos.

3. Nosotros ajustamos: Esta aplicación te paga por caminar o correr, ayudándote a mejorar tu nivel de condición física. Funciona con aplicaciones de fitness, como RunKeeper, Google Fit y MapMyFitness.

4. Logro: Puede elegir entre diferentes actividades para que le paguen por cada una, incluido el registro de calorías, hacer ejercicio, pesarse e incluso dormir.

5. Salario Saludable: Esta es una aplicación de estilo competitivo que puede generar una cantidad considerable de dinero. Sin embargo, estás apostando contra ti mismo, así que primero tendrás que poner algo de dinero en el bote.

6. Apuesta dietética: Al igual que Pact, FitCrown y HealthyWage, esta aplicación lo pone en un desafío de pérdida de peso en el que puede llevarse a casa algo de dinero si alcanza sus objetivos.

Negocio de desarrollo web

Hoy en día, parece que todas las empresas, desde nuevas empresas y autónomos hasta empresas locales y empresas globales, tienen un sitio web. Es donde los clientes actuales y potenciales buscan más información sobre una empresa a la que les gustaría comprar o visitar en persona. Por lo tanto, es importante que los sitios web causen una gran impresión o el visitante verá el sitio web feo, estático y de carga lenta como una señal del tipo de experiencia que tendrá con usted.

Al no tener las habilidades, las empresas recurren a los desarrolladores web en busca de ayuda. Ahí es donde entra usted si tiene las habilidades técnicas y la sensibilidad de diseño para generar sitios web hermosos e intuitivos que a los visitantes les encanta usar y volver. El desarrollador promedio le cuesta a las empresas $ 12,800 por mes. El desarrollador extranjero promedio gana $4,800 por mes y hay compañías que pagan comisiones de referencia de hasta el 20%, recurrentes de por vida.

Puede encontrar trabajos a través de sitios independientes como Bark, así como reclutadores, agencias y su propia capacidad de creación de redes. Asegúrese de tener un sitio web que muestre su cartera si ya ha creado sitios web, sitios móviles, sitios de blogs, tiendas en línea y páginas de destino.

Administrador de bancos y préstamos

Presta tu dinero en plataformas como Ratesetter, Prosper, Lending Club, Kiva, etc. Kiva ha sido una de mis mejores plataformas. No estoy haciendo una matanza, pero estoy ayudando a personas de todo el mundo a desarrollar sus negocios.

Conocido como préstamos entre pares (préstamos P2P), puede prestar dinero directamente a los prestatarios. No hay intermediarios, como el banco o la institución de crédito. Eres el banco.

Como se indicó anteriormente, puede hacerlo a través de una plataforma o empresa P2P. Más personas recurren a este tipo de préstamos porque ofrecen menos papeleo, un proceso de decisión más rápido y buenas tasas. Como prestamista, obtienes un porcentaje de las tarifas e intereses por depositar tu dinero, lo que puede ser más lucrativo que simplemente ponerlo en una cuenta de ahorros donde acumula más polvo que intereses.

Con cada préstamo presentado, tiene la opción de financiar nada, parte o todo el préstamo. Una vez que el préstamo está completamente financiado, el prestatario comienza a pagar el préstamo. Recibe una parte del pago (que consiste en intereses y capital). Puede tomar sus ganancias y reinvertirlas en otros préstamos u optar por cobrar.

Hay algunas consideraciones antes de sumergirse para asegurarse de que sea adecuado para usted. There is the risk that you will lose money, and the investment is not FDIC-insured. Your money may be tied up for two to five years. Overall, though, it is a good way to make money online worth trying with a small investment to test the profitability waters.

Translator and Interpreter

While Google Translator will do in a pinch, it doesn’t replace the need for human beings to interpret and translate the content of someone who speaks a different language than the audience that wants to know what they said. There are many ways to do this, including finding and working with companies and clients that require this service.

You can also sign onto an agency where you can get access to work without having to do all the marketing to get it. Other options to monetize your translation skills include doing translating as an online course or through an online school.

Online Video Editor

Video content is in-demand over other types of content. However, for companies to make video content that is engaging, they could use the help of professionals who know how to edit and produce attractive videos. That’s where you come in as an online video editor.

Not only can you do something you love, but you can enjoy it and make good money. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, video editors can make an average of $86,830 per year. A starting wage is about $31,940 per year while an experienced video editor can make up to $170,040 per year. On an hourly basis, that is a range of  $15.36 to $81.75 per hour.

Working online, numerous freelance job websites like Upwork and Fiverr offer simple video editing gigs for $20 to $45 per hour while more complex video editing jobs can be found online for $45 to over $100 per hour. You can also find video editing work on sites like Simply Hired, LinkedIn, Mandy, Stage 32, and ProductionHUB.


Feedback plays an important role in helping companies gain awareness and credibility. Plus, reviews offer a way to show companies what they could also do better. There are sites that pay you for your opinion on products, services, and brand experiences. Get started by creating accounts on sites like Software Judge, FameBit, CrowdTap, Influence Central, and Modern Mom.

Beyond that, there are many other platforms where you can give reviews and test products to make money online. For example, Swagbucks pays you to answer online surveys that cover your opinion about brands, products, and services. You can also sign up to test products and provide your opinion, which also enables you to make money online. You can also check out Inbox Dollars,, User Testing, and Software Judge for more opportunities to test products and shape what comes to market.


Rapidly gaining in popularity for its ability to make incredible money with little or no effort, dropshipping may be the only strategy you need to create the income of your dreams. This type of online money maker lets you sell almost any type of product, using a proven business model even accepted by the likes of retail giants, such as Amazon. Oberlo is an easy place to get started.

Even better is the fact that you don’t have to store physical inventory somewhere and then pack and ship it when someone orders. Plus, you don’t even have to dole out capital to get started. You might be thinking, wow, what’s the catch? This sounds too good to be true, but it’s not!

To get started, you select a wholesaler or a distributor who offers drop shipping capability. Then, you focus on marketing the products from that manufacturer. You’ll need to build a website with shopping cart functionality. You can generate your customer base by using social media, email marketing, and a blog to reach your intended audience. This funnels them to your website where they can buy from you. The orders go to your drop shipper and they send out the products.

While there is a fee involved for shipping it out plus the wholesale price of the item, you make the profit off what’s left from what the customer pays. The money to be made comes in the volume of sales you can generate. That’s why it’s so important to find a niche with as little competition as possible but growing demand.

    Before picking a drop-ship partner, do your research and see what others have to say about the drop shipping company you are interested in. You want to develop a long-term relationship with a credible dropship company that can yield mutual success.

    Amazon Reseller

    Despite the fact that there are now thousands of retailers on Amazon, it’s still possible to make money online through this channel. You may just need to spend more time upfront determining the product, price, and branding strategy to help you stand out in this crowded, yet ever-popular marketplace. Much of what you need to do is ensure that every sale is an excellent experience so you can also improve your reseller ranking and move up the chain to get in front of more target customers.

    Look for a low-competition product to focus on that has a potential audience. You can do this by searching Amazon and learning more about who is selling what. Doing so will not only give you a chance to make more sales without getting into a price war, but you can also move up the ranks of rated resellers much more quickly.

    Alternatively, you can try to break into a highly competitive product market but offer a lower price. The best way to conduct this type of research is to search the ASIN (Amazon Search Identification Number). This database shows you how many sellers are on that specific ASIN so you know how much competition you face with that particular product focus.

    From there, if you focus on quality products, use Amazon’s fulfillment process, and deliver exceptional customer service, then you can do well as a top Amazon reseller.

    Data Entry

    Data entry has been a long-time go-to side job for people to make some extra monthly income. These used to be done as temporary positions within a company. Now, the online world has changed the potential for data entry and made it more convenient as a work-from-home opportunity. This is an ideal job because you don’t need to go through a lot of training.

    All you need to do this job is a keyboard, scanner, or another device that allows you to input or upload information. To make money, you’ll need to be able to learn to type quickly because payment is usually based on your words per minute (WPM) rate.

    The best place to find data entry jobs is through freelance job sites like Upwork. On these sites, you can find projects from companies that outsource these jobs. There are still temporary agencies that now offer these same office jobs as digital and virtual assignments. Also, consider job sites like Monster and Indeed for data input, data entry specialists, and data entry operator gigs.

    In terms of salary, the U.S. Department of Labor reports that the hourly wage for data entry is between nearly $16 and $22, based on experience and the industry you work for. Be sure to stick to reputable job marketplaces and agencies because there tend to be many scams associated with this type of job. Do your research on the companies where you apply to make sure they are legitimate.

    Freelance Proofreader or Editor for Businesses

    Many writers like to diversify their work by doing freelance proofreading or editing. But, you can also carve out an online income just by focusing on proofreading or editing. Proofreaders can make between $25 and $45 per hour while editors can command up to $100 per hour.

    As a proofreader, your job is to check all types of documents (articles, website content, presentations, blog posts, ads, manuscripts and scripts, and more) for typos, misspellings, inconsistencies, and simple grammar mistakes. In contrast, a freelance editor tends to do a much deeper dive into making changes to content that can involve changing the flow, reorganizing chapters, deleting and revising paragraphs, and more.

    For writers that are looking for something different, this can be an ideal change of pace from writing something from scratch. Helping others improve their writing can be a satisfying experience that provides the same freedom and flexibility as other freelancing gigs.

    Look for these types of online money-making gigs on sites like FlexJobs, Indeed, Upwork, and LinkedIn. Many publishing houses and agencies regularly post for these jobs on sites like Monster.

    Typist for Cash

    There are four primary ways that you can make money online by putting your typing skills to work. Many of these ways are also discussed on this list. First, data entry is by far the largest opportunity when it comes to serving as a typist for cash. While data entry tends to be plentiful and easy to find as well as requires the least amount of experience, it also pays the least of the typing jobs listed in this section.

    The second way to make money through typing is through transcription services. This type of typing involves listening to spoken audio recording and typing what is said. This can vary across many forms of audio recordings, including  dictation, conference calls, interviews, speeches, podcasts, webinars, and more. You can excel at this job if you also have a deeper understanding of certain specialized areas. For example, there are legal transcriptions, financial/corporate transcriptions, and technical transcriptions.

    The third typing job to make money online is medical transcription, which pays well to reflect the specialized skill involved. Unlike other types of typing jobs, this one requires post-secondary training and certification, such as a one-year certificate program or a two-year associate’s degree. The job involves transcribing a physician or medical practitioner’s dictation, which is then included in a patient’s medical record.

    The fourth kind of typing job is captioning. Different than transcription work, you don’t use recorded audio. Instead, you are typing in real time to caption live videos. You will need to be fast, accurate, and use specialized stenography equipment to be successful at this typing job.

    There is also the opportunity to type captions for recorded video, which is referred to as offline captioning. With this typing job, recorded video audio is transcribed and then captions are added during the video post-production process. While you don’t have to type as quickly as the online captioning, accuracy and experience are still key for this well-paying typing gig.

    Online Personal Trainer or Fitness Coach

    The on-and-off closures of gyms has increased the demand for online personal training and access to online fitness coaches. Using this format provides a way to reach more clients than you might have been able to do at a gym, helping you to expand your fitness and personal training career. There are many strategies that you can leverage to grow your online fitness business in different ways.First, you can launch your own online fitness studio business. You can offer this online studio through YouTube or other available channels that allow you to broadcast your fitness services. As part of this online studio, you can publish training plans with workouts for the viewer to follow.Plus, you can expand your revenue opportunities by including various specialized courses, nutritional advice, and access to one-on-one live online training through video conferencing technology. Revenue options include charging by the course, offering a monthly subscription, or creating a combination of both.Second, you can sell your fitness programs, which you can do in conjunction with building your online fitness brand through your online studio. One strategy for achieving this is through developing an app. Then, your clients can access your online fitness studio anywhere, including their television by casting your studio to their screen or through their mobile devices. Either way, they can take your online training anywhere, which could incentivize more people to join your online fitness studio.Another revenue stream for your online fitness studio involves selling downloadable workout plans and fitness programs. You can create a series of downloadable PDF plans that include workout routines with specific instructions. Additionally, you can add tiers to your program with these PDF plans also containing meal plans and more. Makes these easy to follow as well as provide access to you if they need help. This is a way to nurture these clients and even turn them into long-term online fitness studio fanatics.Finally, leveraging your growing online fitness studio brand, you can become an affiliate for fitness and healthy lifestyle products. There are significant opportunities, including apparel, exercise equipment and personal training aids, food and drinks, supplements, fitness trackers and watches, and more.For every sale you make, you can enjoy a percentage of the profits. Research companies that offer affiliate programs and then sign-up. You can also go directly to a site like Amazon Associates, create an account, and start working with any fitness brands looking for an affiliate.

    Online Private Tutor

    With more schools moving to virtual classroom settings — from elementary school through college — there is tremendous opportunity to make money online as an online private tutor. If you excel in one or more subject matters, this type of job can be satisfying to your soul and your bank account.

    Often, students need help with everything from a homework assignment, specific concept in math, or an essay or report. You may need to teach them and show them examples or you can offer advice on how to make improvements or where to get additional resources.

    To get started immediately, you can join an existing online tutoring company. For these roles, you will have to show your qualifications, such as a college degree, teaching credential, or some type of certification. Depending on your education level, subject matter, and grade level you are helping, you can make between $12 and $30 per hour. You can find these company tutoring jobs through sites like, TutorMe, VIPKid,, Brainfuse, Revolution Prep, and TutorHub.

    Alternatively, you can create your own online tutoring business, which may earn you a larger amount of money. Depending on how much time you put into it and much you grow your client base, you can start making between $1,000 and $5,000 a month. If you can assist with college entrance test prep, you can earn even more.

    However, you’ll have to market yourself to find clients. There are a number of ways to start building your own client base for online tutoring. You should create a website and social media profiles that help potential clients find you. It’s also a place where you can add a payment option and even a built-in scheduling/appointment feature.

    Be sure to also select your niche and target those students that need help with that subject area. That could be math, science, English, writing, or test prep like for the SAT or ACT. Once you have that, you can shape your marketing efforts around that niche.

    Also, try reaching out to local and online schools to offer yourself as a resource that they can share with their students. Also, consider online local social media groups where you’ll be able to find parents in search of a reliable tutor. It doesn’t hurt to also ask those that know you to put up reviews that validate your capabilities as an online tutor.

    Blogging for Money

    Blogging has been one of the most consistent ways to make money online. Over time and despite the growth in bloggers, this online job opportunity still offers a good revenue stream. Now is the time to take that blog you started and do more with it by monetizing it in many different ways.

    The first approach to making money online with a blog is to add ads to your site. These include cost per click or pay per click ads are banners that you can place in your content or as a sidebar. Each time a reader clicks on the ad, you get paid for that click. You can also do cost per impressions, which pay you a fixed amount based on how many people view the ad on your blog.

    A good place to get started with this blog revenue booster is through Google AdSense, which we also list among the 100 online money-making gigs. They make it easy to get started and select the relevant ads on your behalf. Also, check out other ad programs for your blog from companies like Infolinks and

    If you don’t ant to work with an advertising network, then another option is to sell ads yourself. While there is a bit more work involved, it does cut out the middleman that often takes a cut of the profits. This type of advertising includes buttons, banners, or links as well as sponsored blog posts, which has also been discussed on our list.

    Next up is adding affiliate links to your blog content. For more detailed information on this option, you can check out our affiliate marketing description on this list. Just by adding a link to a blog post, you can earn a commission if the reader clicks on that link and buys the product or service associated with that link.

    Your blog can also play host to a marketplace of digital products. These products might include online courses, workshops, eBooks, apps, plugins, images, video, and/or music. Make sure that you select digital products that would appeal to your readers. You don’t want to lose blog readership by selling products they could care less about.

    Next, view your blog as a content marketing tool designed to drive visitors to your business website. Instead of selling other people’s digital products and services, you could be selling your own and pocketing all the money instead of just a commission.

    Another option would be to sell website memberships where your blog becomes the stepping stone to exclusive content and valuable information. The most important thing you need to do here is make sure you publish an ongoing stream of quality and relevant content for your readers and members. Try offering a range of written and visual content.

    Blogging on Medium’s Partner Program – Sell Your Content

    Medium is considered to be one of the easiest blogging platforms available. Since 2012, it has been giving publishers and bloggers another platform to share their content across a diverse range of topics. Subject matter specialties include technology, entrepreneurship, politics, culture, and more.

    The platform makes money from charging a monthly fee to access unlimited content. While a reader can read up to five articles a month for free, anything beyond that costs a small monthly fee. More importantly, let’s see how you can make money on Medium.

    Over the last couple of years, Medium has continued to evolve its payment system and how writers can make money. The latest payment model introduced at the end of 2019 makes it more feasible for new writers to monetize their content.

    Previously, the number of claps an article on Medium received dictated how much an author was paid. Now, the payment amount is based on reading time. Don’t stop considering the claps though because these are still a good way to extend reach, readership, and engagement.

    First, you create articles or blog-style posts. Readers become members and access the articles you publish on Medium. These readers enjoy your articles and you get paid for their engagement. Medium does also factor non-member reading time into the payment for your articles but only if those readers become members within 30 days of reading those articles as a non-member.

    Other changes to the Medium payment system include daily updates to your earnings and more metrics used to assess earnings. Doing so helps the writer who is new to Medium by leveling the playing field to a certain degree.

    It’s also possible to earn a bonus for what you publish on Medium. This is another way that the platform has decided to encourage high-quality content. For now, though, this is only offered to a few stories each week.

    Those I know that writing for Medium have reported making at least $100 a month but others have made up to $8,000 a month. That’s a wide range of income possibility for you to start exploiting for something that only takes minutes to sign up for and is free to join. Even better is that Medium allows you to syndicate your content by publishing your existing content there.

    Although it takes time to develop a following on Medium, it’s a good way to start earning some passive income from content you’ve created as well as a good source of traffic for your own blog.

    Niche Websites

    If you’re an expert, then it’s time to get started on making money online through teaching people what you know. You can launch a blog and then use it as a platform to teach others. Think of this blog as your niche website where you differentiate yourself by sharing what you know that others don’t.

    Creating and managing a niche website can help you pocket an extra few thousand of dollars per month. The money can grow as you add options for passive income, such as Amazon Associate earnings (which we previously mentioned). Then, there is also Google AdSense and other affiliate marketing strategies.

    While there is a good amount of work to do on the front end of this online revenue generator, it gets easier over time to enjoy a steady stream of cash.

    The overall premise to how to make money with this online strategy is to find a niche you know and that you can exploit to differentiate yourself. This niche is a very specific area or segment of expertise. Once you do, you will need to start ranking in the search engines for keywords associated with your niche. The traffic you generate can be converted into affiliate revenue or income tied to your own product or service offerings.

    Next, research niche ideas and keywords as well as develop a specific solution for an identified pain point with a targeted audience. From there, you’ll need to design an online presence that stands out in the crowd.

    Then, select a good domain name as well as get a website developed and hosted. Other work involves developing a detailed strategy for your content, monetization, link building, social media, and further marketing efforts.

    A successful niche website accomplishes many things. It helps readers find answers and solutions. The site also offers deep and unique expertise across a high volume of available quality content. Don’t forget that it helps to develop a brand image for your niche website as though it were a company, including a logo and brand values.

    Decide what monetization strategy works for you. It might be selling information, products, or services. Alternatively, if you don’t have a business already that offers those things, you might want to focus on affiliate revenue.

    Since affiliate revenue tends to be a short-term strategy, you will also need to think about what you could do in the long term to ensure a sustainable way to make money online. You can build additional niche websites based on your expanding expertise as well as get more traffic and revenue from your existing site and customer base. To do so requires more research, content, and marketing. However, the result could be that you double or triple your monthly revenue from this online gig.

    eBook Sales and E-Book Business

    Thanks to online retailers like Amazon and its self-publishing program, it’s never been easier to sell your digital book online. Writing and publishing eBooks through your own eBook business is an excellent passive income stream. Once you put the effort into writing high-quality content, it can be sold over and over again as part of an eBook.

    eBooks are quite simply books that are published online. They can be read on devices like Kindle or Nook as well as on a smartphone, tablet, or laptop. You can get published quickly through an on-demand publishing service and platforms like Barnes &Noble, Amazon, and others. Many of these platforms even help you market your eBooks.

    Like other opportunities on this list, it’s important to start your efforts by selecting a niche you know well and that’s in demand. Selecting a niche helps establish your authority and credibility on a subject while also differentiating yourself in a crowded eBook marketplace. It can work in conjunction with your efforts to build your personal or company brand should you want to take advantage of other make-money-online strategies listed in this guide.

    Also, consider how your niche might be an opportunity to write more than one eBook. If anything, a series of well-written eBooks could propel your brand and revenue stream even further. Or, your niche might be something that could be expanded into similar niches for further opportunities. You don’t want to make your niche too narrow to start with that it’s not possible to expand and add more areas of expertise.

    To be successful with your eBook, it’s important to focus on content and formatting, creating a readable structure that engages the reader and maximizes their investment in your eBook. Your content should focus on a pain point or problem your targeted reader has and how you can help solve that for them. If you don’t already have a sense of what those issues are, then you will want to spend considerable time doing research.

    For you to make money online, though, sometimes you have to spend money online. This is the case when it comes to eBooks. This involves paying for cover art, editing and proofreading, formatting and graphic design, and marketing. However, these small investments can pay off with an ongoing stream of revenue.

    Know your options on where you can get your eBooks in front of your audience. This includes self-publishing on Kindle, Nook, and Amazon, including the retailer’s partnership with Audible. Other places to consider include iBooks, Smashwords, Kobo, and Scribd.

    Rather than just leaving it up to these companies that do help with publishing and awareness, you’ll also need to do your own marketing. This is where some of the other strategies in our guide come together to create a trifecta of revenue. You can create and monetize your blog, build your social media following, and offer some type of giveaway or incentive.

    Business Coach

    Our expertise can be put to use in other ways too, including working as an online business coach. Besides making money online with this type of role, you can also do some good by helping others make positive changes in their lives. In this way, it can become a fulfilling and satisfying way to earn a side hustle. Maybe you do so well that you make business coaching your career.

    Much of what a business coach involves is a focus on job skills and career direction and advice. However, you will need to go beyond just industry expertise to do well at coaching. It’s important to be able to show people how to reveal barriers and limits they are setting for themselves as well as help them change their mindsets. It is also important to be good at reading people and understanding what they are really asking for from you as a business coach.

    And, if you have been giving away all your advice for free, now is the time to stop, create a coaching business, and monetize that experience. Develop a process for how you will offer business coaching. For example, determine the length and scope of each session, how you will teach it, and how you will focus on leading clients toward their intended outcomes.

    You will also have to consider your current schedule and other obligations so you know how many sessions you can take on per week as a video conference session. Be sure to have a cost in mind and establish upfront payments. Have a fixed payment in mind or package pricing model. Having a website with a way to checkout and pay for those sessions can also create a good experience for your clients. On an hourly basis, you can make between $20 and $150 per hour as a business coach.

    Domain Name Agent

    In the last decade, Internet real estate has become serious business. If you know what you are doing, then buying and selling domain names can yield a sizable profit. Some domain names have gone for more than a million dollars while most are sold for hundreds of dollars.

    While it may take some time to make money online with this type of job, it can provide a significant return. However, you may have to outlay money to get started, including building up a portfolio of digital real estate in the form of many high-quality domains. It may take months or more than a year, so be patient with this pursuit.

    Like physical real estate, these domains take time to grow in value. While flipping domain names is possible like flipping homes, you may get more out of it the longer you hold onto the Internet real estate. There are many types of domain names that can make you money, including generic names that describe some type of product or service. Then, there are geographic names related to cities or countries, business names, and relevant names related to an event.

    There are many different ways to make money online by buying and selling domain names. Many domain registrars like GoDaddy do auctions while other sites broker sales like a real estate agent would do. Sedo is a good example of that. Another way to sell domain names is through parking domains that have a sale page so potential buyers can contact the owner and start negotiating how to buy it.

    While there is money to be made in domain names, there are also risks similar to physical real estate. It can take time to find a buyer so your money could be tied up in those domain names for a while. The domain names may also lose value rather than gain in value. There may also be trademark issues and other legal risks.

    It’s important to do your due diligence, including significant research and thoughtful planning. Doing so can deliver a unique way to diversify your revenue.

    Shopify Store

    Another way to make money online is to create and manage a Shopify store. Shopify is a popular globally-available e-commerce platform that helps all kinds of businesses get up and running with selling their products online. Think of it as selling ready-made virtual shops where you simply add your name and brand. You will be able to promote your e-commerce business on numerous channels, including mobile and web, online marketplaces, social media, and pop-up shops and brick-and-mortar locations. While you do have to pay to create and manage your Shopify store, you should be able to turn a profit that makes it a worthwhile investment. They do offer a 14-day free trial that gives you some time to take it for a spin and discover what you can do.There are different paid plans, which may also better align your needs with your budget:
    • The Lite Plan comes with a “Buy”  button as well as the ability to sell on Facebook and accept credit card payments. Just note that it doesn’t provide you with a real online store with a shopping cart.
    • The Basic Shopify Plan features a website, blog, shopping cart functionality, unlimited products, and fraud analysis tools.
    • The Shopify Plan includes everything from the basic and adds features like gift cards, reporting, abandoned cart recovery, and unlimited storage.
    • The Advanced Shopify Plan includes all the features from the previous plans on this list and then adds third-party calculated shipping rates and an advanced report builder.
    • Shopify Plus is made for large companies and adds features like marketing, design, and 200 TB of storage.
    Check the Shopify site to see the current monthly fees for each plan and cost per transaction.If you are still not sure if this option is for you, consider the many ways you can use your store to generate sales:
    • Use your online store to sell your thrift store finds or treasures that fill your home.
    • Offer your freelance services through the Shopify storefront.
    • Promote an online course or consulting/coaching business.
    • Sell your hobby items, including art and graphic design, jewelry, crafts, photography, clothing, and more.
    • Develop your dropshipping business.

    Used Items

    Whether it is your own stuff that is just collecting dust or items you want to turn a profit on from thrift stores and garage sales, you can make a tidy sum through used items. While it is possible to make money online, this type of online money stream does take time and patience. Here are some of the best online sites to sell your “treasures.”

    eBay has to be one of the most well-known sites where you can offload everything from books, collectibles, and cars to clothing, art, and furniture. There are multiple categories as well as sales options, including an auction and “Buy It Now” formats. Do your homework in terms of what things are selling for, be descriptive with your content, and offer numerous visuals to attract attention. eBay also offers a trending list so you can see what’s in demand and try to pick up those types of items during your thrift store/garage sale trips.

    Another go-to online marketplace for used stuff has been Craigslist. It’s free to list items so that others in your local area can come to see those items and potentially buy them. However, numerous apps have appeared in recent years that have become immensely popular for quick sales, including OfferUp and LetGo. The apps are easy to use and take only minutes to get items listed. These are primarily for local pickups versus shipping like what happens with much of eBay’s sales.

    Social selling is another option through Facebook Marketplace. It’s also viewed as an online and local sales process so plan on having to meet up to deliver items to your buyers. 5Miles is another app for selling things locally.

    Other online sites work well for specific niches that you may want to focus on. For example, Poshmark focuses on offering gently used designer clothing and accessories as well as some branded home goods items. It’s designed as a peer-to-peer marketplace so you are selling to your fellow community members. ThredUp is another example that focuses on reselling clothing, accessories, and shoes. On the tech side, DeCluttr is perfect for getting rid of all your older generation tech equipment, including smartphones, tablets, and more. They will also accept video games, CDs, DVDs, and more.

    To maximize your sales potential, be sure to use a good camera to take shots that highlight and enhance the attractive value of each item. Be detailed with your sale description, including any sizes or measurements that buyers may need to know to help them decide. Be transparent about your items, such as minor flaws or wear and tear.

    If you are shipping items, pack everything carefully. You want everything to receive in the same shape as how the person bought it. Many sites include review functionality so it’s important to create the best experience possible to influence future buyers to shop with you.

    Graphic Design Expertise Through 99Designs

    As one of many sites that offers ways for freelance graphic designers to make money online, is unique because the site only focuses on this skill. is designated as a global community where graphic designers can work with clients in two ways. A client can work with you directly to collaborate and complete a project. Or, a client can create a contest and open the brief to the entire design community who then submit their own ideas and a client selects one and pays that designer.

    There is a wide range of design opportunities that await you. The site now has more than 90 different design categories featured, including logos, marketing collateral, wine labels and more.

    Although most of the website is directed at companies that could become your clients, you can find how to join it as your scroll to the bottom of the site and discover the ‘Become A Designer’ link. There is a simple sign-up process that allows you to start browsing for jobs right away. gets the full payment for the design from the client before the project begins. If it’s a contest and you win, you get paid out immediately.The best part of this site is the visibility you can create for yourself as a graphic designer. Many graphic designers have noted that they have received more direct freelance work from clients on the site or even joined the company as an employee.

    Be aware that does charge fees. However, you can still make significant money online through this site. It’s well worth joining it along with the other freelance sites so you can diversify and increase your gig potential.

    Graphic Designer for Local Companies

    Beyond sites like, you can also make money online as a graphic designer working for local companies. Many types of companies, especially small businesses, may not be able to have in-house graphic design specialists. They look for local skilled designers who can take on projects on an in-demand basis. This work might involve marketing materials, branding and logo campaign, labels, product packaging, etc.

    You can find graphic design projects through Behance, Fiverr, Guru, iFreelance, UpWork, FlexJobs, Indeed, and more job marketplaces. Beyond these online job sources, local companies can find you on networking sites like LinkedIn and Alignable. Even sites like Craigslist offer job listings, but these may be less qualified than job or networking sites.

    Create a website and social media profiles where you can showcase your graphic design work and talent. Don’t forget to include social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram that are focused on highly visual posts. Doing so also helps build credibility when you pitch local companies for graphic design work.

    Old Electronics

    It’s hard to imagine that anyone doesn’t have electronics collecting dust around their home. Some of us have more than others. However, you can remove some of your “stuff” while also making some money online. While you can try to sell electronics directly on sites like Craigslist or through social media groups, it can be more convenient to turn to websites devoted to paying for and selling used electronics.

    • BuyBackWorld buys many types of electronic devices for cash. This includes smartphones, cell phones, tablets, laptops, game consoles, cameras, iPods, and wearables like Apple watches. They accept electronic devices with many different operating systems like Android and Apple. Devices can be new, used, and even broken. When you submit information about the electronics you want to sell, they will give you an offer. If you accept it, then they will give a shipping label. Once they receive your items, they can pay you by check or PayPal.
    • SellCe ll does not purchase used devices. Instead, they offer you a way to compare many  buyback sites so you can get the most money for your electronics. The site gives you information about cell phones, desktop and laptop computers, wearables, digital readers, devices like GoPros, and gaming consoles.
    • Gazelle is like BuyBackWorld in terms of what it accepts as well as the buyback and payment process. If you accept  their offer, they send you a trackable shipping label, and pay you by check or PayPal after they receive your used electronics. Gazelle also has placed kiosk in many areas. They only accept phones, tablets, and MP3 players at these physical locations and deliver an immediate payment.
    • Decluttr was previously mentioned on our list of how to make money online underselling your old stuff. As we noted, it’s a site that pays fairly well for electronics as well as things like CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Rays. They also accept items like LEGOs and books. They make it easy to see what you can get by using their app to take pictures of each item’s barcode. They will let you know within minutes what they pay. If you take their offer, you can print a free shipping label or take it to a UPS store where they will still cover the shipping costs for you.  After they receive your item, they will pay you through PayPal, direct deposit, or check.

    Beyond these sites, you can also sell used electronics on a local basis. For example, Best Buy offers a trade-in program. You can find these through their websites. You can also search online for EcoATMs where you can sell your used and broken electronics and components.

    Before selling any used electronics, be sure to backup the data on those devices, encrypt the data, and then wipe the device, disable the factory reset protection, and perform a factory reset first.

    Music Lessons

    If you are a music teacher, offering in-person instruction through private lessons, through a music shop, or at a school, then you most likely already enjoy a satisfying career surrounded by music. However, with the recent pandemic and the move to more virtual environments, you can take that career and leverage it to make money online.

    One pathway to making money online with music lessons is to create and sell video courses on sites like Skillshare and Udemy. These sites involve in-depth instructions on how to format and develop your lessons. In return for the time invested, you can make a few hundred dollars. Plan for this to be one of many tactics you should take to make money online.

    Another tactic is to create a website if you don’t have one already. Here, you can add videos and a blog to share your expertise and document your experience. You can also think about selling your own courses through your website versus a third party.

    Next, start a YouTube channel, which is one of the most popular go-to sites for watching videos and learning skills. Here, you can post videos that illustrate how to play an instrument and share tips on practicing and improving your musical ability.

    During the recent pandemic when the school moved to virtual lessons, many kids and adults learned to navigate video conferencing platforms like Zoom, GoToMeeting, and Skype. Doing so can save you the time and money of traveling to students’ homes. Instead, you’ll be able to supplement your income by doing the lesson live over video conferencing. You and each student can work together and you can provide the same level of instruction as you would if you were in the same room.

    If you have the ability to create sheet music or other instructional materials for music lessons, you could also offer these resources through your website or freelance websites.

    Uber or Lyft Driver

    You may be very familiar with Uber or Lyft because these driving services have become the go-to standard for getting around town whether it’s your hometown or you are traveling. Although some people have been concerned during the pandemic about taking an Uber or Lyft, drivers have taken many precautions to help reduce the risk of a potential virus spread.

    For many years, Uber and Lyft have made the list of the best gig jobs. People already have the equipment (their vehicle). It involves joining the platform and using an app to get alerts about driving gigs in the local area. After accepting and completing each drive, payment is made into a designated account. As reviews come in, a driver’s rating goes up and so does access to premium gigs.

    Although some swear by it, many other drivers claim there isn’t much money in this type of gig job compared to the wear and tear on the vehicle. However, there are many strategies to increase the money you can make as an Uber or Lyft driver. Here are some ideas to get the most out of what continues to be a well-used service around the U.S.

    Sign-up for a referral program.

    Freebird is one example of a referral program that can help you make more money by driving with Uber or Lyft. All you need to do is promote Freebird’s app to your riders and you can get up to $5 for each referral. You can also consider referring Rakuten, which can net you up to $25 per referral.

    Recruit drivers.

    You can also recruit people to drive for either service through a referral code you receive when you start working with Uber or Lyft. Plus, if you recruit people to work for Uber Eats, Postmates, and Door Dash, you can also make money for those drives and deliver platform apps.

    Be strategic with leveraging the gig as a business.

    Even if you take this gig on as a part-time opportunity, you can still be savvy about how you track income and expenses. Make sure you cover all possible tax deductions available, including writing off the wear and tear on your vehicle. Use a mileage app to track how many miles you drive to include on your taxes.

    You can also market yourself to others to build up your clientele and credibility as a professional driver. For example, you can write blog posts and make YouTube videos. Network with your riders and build a rapport. Providing friendly service can go a long way to getting more positive reviews that attract more riders.

    Take on the driving jobs when others don’t.

    Although you know it’s busy on a Friday night or throughout the weekend, that’s when all the other drivers are out there, too. The unpopular times can net you more money, including those early morning airport runs or mid-day drives. Being available to drive on holidays and special event days can also yield you more money.

    Life Coach

    While we’ve talked about business coaches within this guide. However, that way to make money online is geared toward those that have a good understanding and experience with running a business. However, there are other coaching roles to consider like serving as a life coach.

    Those that do best at being life coaches are those individuals who love helping others reach their fullest potential. The role includes teaching, mentoring, and assessing. In return, you see that you’ve made a difference plus you’ve made some money doing it.

    Life coaches help others uncover their fulfillment by creating their dream career, cultivating personal and professional relationships, addressing mental barriers, or enhancing health and wellness. Those life coaches that do best are those that find a niche area, such as career planning, relationships, wellness, etc. To conduct these sessions, you can meet in person or do phone or video sessions.

    There isn’t much you have to do to become a life coach. You don’t have to get a certification or a license. You can take a life coach training program and then immediately get to work as a life coach. Make sure you define your motivation, purpose, and niche. Also, work with existing life coaches to better understand how you can create your own program, run sessions, and price your services.

    You need to know who you want to help before getting started. Also, take the time to research and collect information that can help this target client. Learning about self-help techniques, personal development concepts, and wellness should be ongoing to make sure you always provide the most value.

    It may take time to establish credibility and a client base. As with most businesses, a website is a critical tool where you can share content about what you can do for clients. Include a blog to start developing your thought leadership position. Also, identify other blogs where you might guest blogs, such as a fitness instructor or entrepreneur.

    Let everyone within your network and social circles know what you are doing, including friends, colleagues, and family members. They may be able to recommend potential clients to you as well as share your information on their social networks. Make sure to have your own social media profiles to also market your life coach services.

    Other options include hosting a webinar or workshop as well as participating in speaking opportunities at conferences and other events. You’ll be able to showcase your knowledge to potential clients and build credibility.

    Creative Arts on Etsy

    Etsy has been around for many years and proven to be a popular site to purchase all types of creative products, including jewelry, fashion, art, graphic design items, and more. It often appears on lists of side hustles.

    However, in the last six months, the site has gained more attention from the millions currently out of work that need to make money and have considerable time on their hands to revisit their hobbies and creative and crafty skills. Besides helping to make money, many Etsy shop owners have reported that working with their hands and making things others want has alleviated some of the stress and tension they previously faced.

    Unlike traditional online e-commerce sites where you fill your virtual shops with products and forget about it until someone places an order, Etsy does require significant attention and management. Especially now that the site is growing in popularity in terms of the number of shops, you’ll need to spend considerable time on SEO to ensure your potential customers can find you in this crowded marketplace. This involves doing keyword research and shaping your content around keywords that reflect your product offering. Etsy does well in terms of providing you with SEO assistance through their resource center.

    You’ll also need to spend time studying the competition, experimenting with pricing and sales, building out a more themed store, and being active in the Etsy community of like-minded store owners. Each listing may need ongoing refinement, including tags and titles, visuals, and helpful and engaging content..

    Over the years, Etsy has expanded its product categories beyond just crafts and handmade goods. You can also sell vintage items, plants, beauty products, decorations, candles, poster art, and repurposed items.

    Now, the most important information you probably want at this point is revenue potential and fees. Etsy charges you fees, including a listing fee, subscription fee, and transaction fee. The subscription fee only involves those who want to upgrade to Etsy Plus, which adds features like more shop customization features, perks, and discounts all of which increase your visibility. Whether you opt for the free store or you upgrade, numerous Etsy shop owners report that they enjoy a steady stream of sales as they become established.

    Unlike some e-commerce stores, an Esty shop is simple to set up for the e-commerce novice. You can create a store name and logo, create product listings and descriptions, add photos, and start promoting your shop across social media. It takes time, effort, and patience, but an Etsy shop, paired with other gigs on this list, can go a long way toward greater income.

    Art Monetization on Society6 and Printful

    While you can sell your art on sites like Etsy and eBay, you may want to elevate your artistic talent and monetization for your fine art, photography, and related artistic work to a platform designed for that niche. Two such platforms are Society6 and Printful. For example, Society6 offers a wide range of artistic categories, including furniture and home décor, wall art and prints, apparel, tech, and more.

    Neither of these sites are intended to deliver you a way to get rich quick. However, over time, you can make money and establish your brand awareness in the fine art and graphics community. Like every gig on this list, when you invest more effort into what you create, you can inspire your intended target audience and influence their purchase decision. It does take time on these sites to build awareness and a following who is willing to buy, so be prepared for the revenue to build across the months of promotion.

    It can be a fairly simple process once you have a presence on these sites, with most of the work done by the platform on your behalf. These sites seem to care about artists and are genuinely interested in helping them get the attention they deserve. And, when you think how difficult the art world can be to break out and get noticed, it’s nice to know that these platforms are working to help you get that attention.

    Both sites also have communities where you can network and increase your following. You can get sales through referrals from other artists, directed traffic from your social media promotion, and from each website’s traffic that they funnel through their own promotional strategies.

    On Society6, you don’t have to pay a monthly fee or commission. Instead, Society6 pays you 10% of the products you sell. On art prints, canvas prints, and framed prints, you can make more by establishing a customized markup on each of these art products. As an example, this formula is used for the markup items:Base Price x (Markup %  x (1 − Discount %))  =Artist sharePrintful works a little differently. They define themselves as a print-on-demand drop shipping company that works with a wide range of marketplaces and e-commerce platforms. These include Shopify, eBay, and BigCommerce just to name a few. You can launch your own store on Printful and then integrate it with one of these platforms and marketplaces so you don’t have to handle the order fulfillment and shipping.

    After creating your store on Printful, the company charges you a fixed amount for printing and product distribution. Here are the two ways to calculate what you could make:

    Gross profit =Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold

    Net profit =Total Revenue – Total Expenses

    With Printful, you see how much each product and its printing costs, so you can use these formulas to adjust and set your retail profit to make a certain profit point for each item.

    However, there are other things to consider besides just enjoying the freedom, flexibility, and pricing control over your artwork. Extra costs to take into account include a domain name, website hosting, and e-commerce platform integration. You’ll also need to assess how much your time is worth in terms of using it for marketing and art creation.

    Either option gives you another way to monetize your art, build a following, and leverage your artistic talent in new ways.

    Travel Coach

    We’ve talked about business coaches and life coaches so far on our list of how to make money online. Now, we’re going to talk about an opportunity that has been around a while but that has recently regained attention and interest. And, that’s serving as a travel coach.
    It sounds pretty intriguing, and it is, especially if you love to travel. A travel coach works with clients on how to achieve their life and work goals through the process of traveling.  This type of coaching comes in many forms. One day, you might be designing what your clients’ trips will look like while other sessions might be about how to align a client’s goals with locations and trip types.

    Some skeptics might refer to a travel coach as a glorified travel agent. However, for every skeptic, there are dozens of people who have tried working with a travel coach and value their guidance. That’s because travel has become more about meaning and purpose. For example, some people are interested in incorporating learning or social assistance like volunteer work so much so that experiential travel has become a “thing.”

    As a travel coach, you can help other people find those places in the world where they can reflect, reset, and discover their purpose. Some travel coaches focus on career development travel experiences while others are more about life goals.

    Clients most often are interested in this concept and travel assistance because they are in the midst of a life pivot related to moving jobs, wanting to change careers, ending a relationship, or retiring. Even corporations may be interested in travel coaches to help their employees with sabbatical plans.

    This is an exciting side hustle because no two clients will be the same. Some may want short trips while others seek retreats or exotic locales. It can be fulfilling to know that you are helping others find direction and purpose in their lives. Plus, it can provide some side income as you build up your credibility with potential clients over time.

    It helps to have a coaching certificate and some type of experience in the travel industry. For example, anyone that has served as a travel agent can look at leveraging that expertise and expand into travel coaching. When pursuing clients, this type of background can help convert prospects. It’s good to create a website, social media profiles, and a profile on networking sites to reach out to corporate prospects as well as entrepreneurs and consumers.

    Audio Book Narrator

    Audiobooks have continued to be a popular way to learn on the go. You can listen to an audiobook on a commute, during exercise, and just around the house. Many people use their smartphones to enjoy these audiobooks. The growth in sites like Audible and iTunes illustrate the market potential. While some audiobooks like to use celebrities, there are just as many — if not, more — audiobooks that use non-celebrity voice talent.

    Most often, this type of opportunity is available to voice-over talent, which will discuss more in the next section. To be able to narrate an audiobook, you will have to audition for these jobs like an actor would do. Often, it is people who have done acting or commercial work that find themselves drawn to narrating audiobooks. And, if you have listened to many audiobooks, then you know the best audiobooks involve animated narrators that breathe life into the words rather than delivering it in a monotone way. The work can involve fiction and non-fiction books.

    While there is considerable competition, it’s still possible to break into this way to make money online. Study other audiobook narrations, practice with recording equipment, and focus on things like breath and voice modulation. You may also want to select a niche of audio book. Certain genres may be of more interest or have the most potential to get your foot into the audiobook narration “door.”

    Be aware that narrating audiobooks can take considerable time due to the hours of editing and perhaps the need for you to come in and re-record certain lines. You’ll need to be flexible in your schedule to accommodate all the work involved. However, there is a significant amount of money available to make. You can get up to $200 per hour for your time or you may be paid in royalties.

    To find audiobook narration gigs, you can use a freelance marketplace like Upwork or iFreelance. There are also job sites that focus on voice-over work where you can also find book audio narration jobs. You may also find recruiters and agencies that hire freelance voice-over artists.

    To stand out, you should have a voice-over/narration portfolio to share. Posting this on your website and social media profiles can also help attract attention and develop credibility as a voice-over professional.

    Voice-over Work

    Audiobook narration is just one of many opportunities to make money online through voice-over work. But, there are many more opportunities to consider to expand your income. Opportunities include everything from commercials, movie trailers, and television programs to instructional videos and more. Depending on your experience and type of voice-over work, you can make between $40 and $200 per hour. However, some jobs can net hundreds of dollars or even thousands like a nationwide commercial.

    Those that excel in voice-over work tend to have a pleasant speaking voice or the ability to change their voice. Even the ability to do accents, speak in other languages, and offer a diverse style can increase your voice-over work opportunities. To do this job, you’ll need to invest in some equipment, including a microphone, headphones, and some recording software. Some voice-over professionals have built themselves an at-home studio with soundproof walls to do their work.

    There are many sites where you can start applying for voice-over work. Sites to consider include Filmless, Fiverr, Snap Recordings, Upwork, and You can also try Voice123 and Voice Bunny for additional voice-over gig potential. Be prepared to start on the low side of the pay scale as you will have to audition and work your way up.

    In the meantime, you can also network on sites like LinkedIn and create a website with some voice-over work to illustrate your range and skill set. These demos go a long way to attracting attention as a voice-over actor.

    Online Contests

    While it may seem impossible to win money off an online contest, many people have managed to figure out a system that, with some time and effort, you can supplement your income with this way to make money online. Known as “compers,” those that make money through online contests have figured out some effective ways at optimizing their investment in searching out and entering online competitions.  While some claim to enter 100 online contests a week, it may be more reasonable to plan for 15-30 per week, depending on how much time you have to devote to it.

    The best advice is to treat online contests as a job. Determine how much time you will devote to it each day. Set up a system to track your work and hours spent on it. You may want to create a separate email and have a SIM card to ensure that communications from the contests are separated. Most likely, you will receive numerous messages from the contest companies and their advertisers once you start entering these online contests. However, you can also opt-out of much of this spam.

    Be prepared that this gig will not cover your mortgage, rent, or other bills. However, it will give you some extra cash, gift cards, or free merchandise. Also note that it might take between three to six months to start winning these contests.

    Some ways to minimize how much time it takes to take these contests, you should use the auto-fill tool to fill in the contest forms quickly. You can use Google Chrome extensions like Linkclump and Split Tabs to facilitate using contest websites. Also, keep a record of which contests you’ve entered and where you’ve won.

    Join a comping community to learn more about online contests from others who compete. Plus, those in the community can provide insights into new contests that hit the Internet. They can also alert you to the many spam competitions out there so you don’t waste your time on something that has no genuine prizes.

    Online Surveys

    Many of the same sites that offer online contests also include other ways to make money online, including online surveys. Still, other companies only focus on online surveys, product testing, and focus groups. Like online contests, you’ll need to allot a certain amount of time and effort to identifying those gigs that offer the best return for that investment.

    The good thing about this online revenue source is that it is easy, only requires an Internet connection, and doesn’t require any skill or specific educational background. Also, there are numerous places to quickly find surveys to take.

    The challenging thing is that there is such a wide variance in pay that it takes time to sort out the good ones from the not-so-good ones. Try to avoid sites that use a points system because it’s confusing and will literally take forever to ever make a few bucks. Also, many surveys are looking for a specific demographic — not that they will tell you that upfront. Therefore, if the surveys don’t fit your demographic much of which you have to repeatedly share before a survey starts, then you can’t take it and you’ll have to keep looking for more surveys.

    There are some decent survey websites and apps out there that are worth the effort.


    This site has many surveys plus third-party surveys. Rewards include gift cards, sweepstakes, and PayPal payments.

    Survey Junkie

    This site is a smaller survey aggregator, but it features an easy-to-use dashboard and a decent point value for the amount of time you spend, delivering cash payouts more often than other survey sites.


    New users get a $5 bonus, which helps because it can take a while to earn enough to get a payout. Some surveys offered payouts of less than a dollar.

    Opinion Outpost

    This is a simple, intuitive survey website with an easy-to-follow points system. It enables you to actually make a bit more money than others. Plus, you can spend what you make on Amazon.


    This site only provides surveys through Ipsos, which is a market research firm. Cash-out rewards start at 500 points, which gets you $5.


    This survey site is another survey aggregator with a screening process intent on getting you connected with those surveys that fit your demographic profile so you don’t end up wasting your time. You can’t cash out your earnings until you hit $25 so it will take some time.


    This site delivers a steady stream of surveys to your inbox and a good qualification rate. Some of their rules are confusing, so take the time to study their requirements.

    Overall, you will not get rich doing this nor will you cover your bills. However, like the online contests, you’ll have fun, provide input on products and services, and get some type of reward. Think of it like the arcade where you get tickets for playing games and those points add up to a few candies and a toy. You had fun doing it and received a little compensation for it.

    Just be cautious about what personal data you share. Never share your Social Security Number (SSN) or similar sensitive information. Be sure to have anti-malware software, especially if you realize later you’ve just participated in a spammy third-party survey.

    Online T-Shirt Business

    One of the main reasons to start an online t-shirt business is that there is strong demand. Statista reported that e-commerce sales totaled $504.6 billion in 2018 and will grow to $735 billion by 2023. Plus, apparel and accessories is a market set to grow to $138.7 billion by 2022.

    Even with such a sizable opportunity, you’ll need to have a solid business plan due to the competition and new market entrants. You’ll need to identify a niche that you are interested in or passionate about and that could develop a following. That means you’ll need to also describe your target audience. Don’t try to be everything to everyone because you need this niche to create a brand and differentiate yourself.

    Before jumping into the online t-shirt business, do your research. You’ll need to understand if there is any competition and what they are doing as well as the trends and approach to selling online t-shirts. Consider what this information can do to shape your t-shirt design, production, logistics, delivery, and marketing.

    You’ll need to create an online store, such as on BigCommerce, Shopify, and Amazon. You’ll need to make a storefront that looks great, is easy to use, and offers an excellent experience for customers. This includes thinking about how you will handle currencies, payments, shipping, inventory, accounting, and more. Also, decide if you are creating the t-shirts or you are going the drop shipper route we talked about already on this list.

    If you are going to create a t-shirt design, you’ll need to start with some ideas, beliefs, themes, and styles that can set you apart. Have a set of business goals for your online t-shirt business to define what you want to achieve from it in line with your design concept. This will become your brand in many ways.

    Make decisions about the t-shirt types, how many types and designs you will offer, and the demographics you are selling to. You can create your own or you can outsource the production to other gig workers like you, including graphic designers and printmakers like those found on Printful.

    Then, you need to determine how to market your t-shirts. You can ask others for reviews, do a giveaway, and engage with your audience on social media. On social media, also connect with social media influencers who can share what you offer with their audiences. Retargeting ads also work for this type of gig.

    Instagram Influencer

    Your love of social media, combined with a large following on sites like Instagram, can be parlayed into a career as an influencer. And, if you already have a presence on YouTube or as a blogger, you can capitalize on this following by making money or getting free stuff for posting pictures.

    What you make and how easily you break into Instagram influence marketing jobs depends on what category or niche you are in. It might be fashion or beauty, food, or fitness just to name a few. You’ll also get paid based on the number of engaged followers and the revenue options you take. There are a few avenues to take to make money as an Instagram influencer.

    First, you can make sponsored posts where you post about a specific product, including holding the product or a video or picture of you using that products. To get access to this revenue stream, you’ll need to have an extensive following for brands to want to pay you for these Instagram posts. Average payments are $200 to $400. However, celebrities and influencers with a huge following can make thousands for each Instagram post or story.

    You can find these gigs on influencer marketplaces like Fohr, Grapevine, indaHash, and Crowdtap. Each influencer marketplace has its own terms and requirements. Spend the time understanding how each one works and if you qualify. Also, look at what others influencers do in terms of integrating brands into their story or the type of hashtags to use, including Instagram’s paid partnership with tags.

    Second, you can become an affiliate. To do this, you’ll need to become more vested in the process compared to the sponsorship posts. You’ll use a trackable link or unique promo code in your bio. With this tactic, you can only focus on one product at a time because of only being able to put a link in this one place. You can join these programs on sites like ClickBank, Amazon Associates, and RewardStyle.

    Third, you can become the influencer who touts your own products, services, or digital content. You can open your own store and then leverage your following to sell things from your online store. While this may take time to think about the type of product or services you want to put your reputation on, it can lead to a steady stream of influencer income over time.

    Online News Writer or Columnist

    If you have worked in print journalism, you know that it has become a struggle to keep a job writing for a newspaper or other print publication. However, your audience still wants the information that appeared in those publications. It’s just that they want to read it on their mobile devices or laptops. That means you can still make money but just on a different channel.

    Becoming an online news writer, article writer, or columnist can net up to six figures a year once you develop a reputation, get a following, and continue to produce high-quality relevant content.

    Start with a niche that you know well. Perhaps it is the same niche you were working in as part of print publications. Pick something you are passionate about, where you can create a voice, and where you might have access to resources and research. This niche could involve a few industries or some topics, focusing primarily on those that seem to be in demand.

    From there, start checking out what publications have moved online, including trade publications. You can also check out those new online publications that fit your niche. Searches reveal all this intelligence, driving your strategy for who you will pitch and approach with your story ideas just like you did when you worked for a newspaper or magazine.

    You can go to each site to learn about that publication’s editorial guidelines. Some editors may even assign you stories or topics as you develop relationships with them. You may need to send out queries and pitches for some time to get noticed. This is where a blog or portfolio can shorten the time frame for getting online news or article assignments.

    You may also consider expanding into other writing formats, including personal essays, interviews, and stories. You may be able to go even farther by writing white papers, eBooks, and reports.

    When it comes to how much you get paid, most online news jobs start at $1 per word and go up from there, based on the publications, your experience, the topic, and number of articles the publication wants you to write.

    Online Coaching and Sell Your Advice

    Whether you already have clients that you coach or you are thinking of leveraging your expertise on a subject or issue and breaking into coaching, now is the time to take this service online and make money. It’s an excellent gig to add to your other gigs or just do on the side from your traditional job.

    You can make money through one-on-one coaching and group coaching through online mastermind sessions. You’ll be able to expand your potential client base to the entire globe. You can supplement this income with materials that your clients can purchase like downloadable ebooks or other subscription-based programs.

    With online coaching, you can make anywhere from $15 per hour to hundreds of dollars per hour, eventually reaching six figures. This depends on how much time you put into online coaching as well as the client base you build. Different types of online coaches make different money, including finance coaches, life coaches, business coaches, travel coaches, and more.

    Besides charging by the hour you can sell packaged programs or sessions that include some other content or takeaways that deflect from the idea of hourly charges. Clients want to know that they are getting value and actionable advice. You should think about the type of value-added services you could include based on your niche.

    Once you have your specialty and idea of how to price your online coaching services, you’ll need to build your online presence if you don’t have it already. Create your website and social media profiles as well as a professional networking presence. Tie together existing content and links to thought leadership in your niche.

    Make sure your niche is about a single area that sets you apart from others. This will help draw more clients that are specifically interested in your services versus trying to offer generic business or life coaching. Your online coaching platform should solve a specific problem. Use a webinar or online forum — even a YouTube channel — to share snippets of your wisdom to illustrate the value you can offer your potential clients. Try Facebook ads to target the right clientele and draw them to your online coaching service offering.

    Be sure to make resources ahead of coaching sessions that can be reused across clientele, including worksheets, guides, videos, lesson plans, and resources to give out at each session.

    As noted above, mastermind groups are another component of online coaching. This platform lets people interact, share their own suggestions, and direct discussions that you can oversee. You can offer this to clients as part of your overall package or as a separate package.

    Internet Researcher

    With so much available information to use for content and other purposes, it’s critical that you take the time to get information that has some credibility and basis to its claims. Getting that information is easier when you can work with a capable researcher. If you love sifting through information online or have spent years writing articles, then you are an ideal candidate for making money online as an Internet researcher.There are companies that will pay you to do to their research. They may like the time or people to take care of this online work. For example, companies like AskWonder seek out people in many states across the country to answer questions submitted by their clients. You will have to search online to find the answers and then use those resources to provide a detailed response. The company pays you out via PayPal.

    Other companies put up job descriptions and project requests for Internet research on sites like Indeed, FlexJobs, and Upwork. When searching for this kind of online work, use terms related to “research” and “remote.” Agencies and startup companies may also seek experts like you to do their market research for them. Other industries where research is in demand include court and legal research and SEO research.

    Another way to top up the earnings on this online money maker is to add a Chrome extension that displays ads with the searches you do. Each ad display earns you some loose change that adds up over time for very little effort.

    Online Dating Consultant

    While online dating was already gaining popularity in the digital age, the pandemic has made it even more important for anyone looking for a special someone. In turn, that has increased the potential to make money as an online dating consultant or online dating coach.  It was the creation of the online dating sites that led to this new type of coaching opportunity.

    An online dating consultant helps people find the love of their lives based on learning about an individual’s characteristics, values, and beliefs. They also offer training and consultancy services as well as emotional support for breakups to help prepare a person to return to the dating world. Also, these coaches can help a person better navigate dating apps, create an attractive profile, and help identify the type of behavior a person doesn’t want in their lives.

    With an hourly wage that can reach $150 per hour, there is a significant amount of revenue possible as you grow your client base. You have the option of working for an online coaching business or starting your own.

    It takes a certain type of person to do well at coaching, in general, but online dating coaching takes even more specialized traits to do well. You will have to be good at communication, empathy, and patience as well as regular coaching skills. Although there is no specific certification required, it might provide an advantage if you were to take some courses to get a coaching certification if you don’t have one already.

    To start attracting the attention of prospective clients, you should create a website, blog for thought leadership articles, and so cal media profiles. It may even help to create some YouTube videos or offer webinars or workshops to showcase what you can do.  You may also want to consider writing a book or ebook about your expertise in this area to build additional credibility.

    Pet Sitter or Dog Walker

    Whether you use an app or you create your own business, you can make money online walking other people’s dogs as well as caring for pets when their owners go on vacation or work during the day. Let’s start with the opportunities available from an app like Rover, which offers a way to find gigs for dog walking, dog sitting, and dog boarding.

    Joining this app immediately connects you with gigs in your area versus starting your own business. This means you can jump right in. However, for this convenience, you will lose a portion of the earnings because takes a percentage of about 15% from each booking. You can select the jobs that pop up on the app that fit your schedule.

    It’s easy to sign up and offers a way to create a profile and set yourself apart from others in your area. You can even list your preferred rates. From there, you can decide what to take after Rover does a background check and provides you with specific information, a shirt to wear, and a link to payment options. You don’t need to have experience with dog walking or sitting. All Rover wants to know is that you will provide a loving and safe environment for their customers’ pets.

    If you do love animals, this can be a fun gig where you can make some decent supplemental income. It’s a good job that fits with a traditional job or freelance job schedule. Some dog walkers noted that they have added $1,000 per month just taking a few dogs out for walks throughout the month. Those that take on more gigs and boarding see their income climb to the thousands of dollars.

    Alternatively, you can create your own dog walking or pet sitting business. For those of you who love animals, you can take care of dogs, cats, fish, birds, reptiles, and more if you are interested and want to expand your clientele. Many people go on vacation or take a business trip but worry that their animals will be in good hands. You can give them peace of mind by taking care of the animals in your client’s homes or bringing them to yours. Some animals require more care than others so you will need to decide what services to offer.