40 movimientos de dinero inteligentes que puedes hacer ahora mismo
Si asistió a nuestro evento Moms &Money en mayo, esta cita del panelista Shaang Saavedra puede estar resonando en su cabeza:
“El dinero es como un cuchillo”, dijo. “Si lo usas mal, te puede matar. Pero si lo usas sabiamente, te alimentará por el resto de tu vida”.
Suena aterrador. Sin embargo, el punto es que el dinero es simplemente una herramienta que puedes aprender a manipular. Cuanto más aprenda, mejor podrá manejarlo de una manera que sirva a sus objetivos.
NextAdvisor se fundó hace un año este mes, en asociación con TIME, para ayudar a los lectores a hacerse cargo de su dinero durante uno de los momentos más aterradores de los últimos tiempos. Ha sido cualquier cosa menos simple. Después de un año de desempleo a largo plazo, gastos de estímulo sin precedentes y numerosos precipicios financieros, nuestra última encuesta nacional encuentra que la mayoría de las personas todavía se sienten ansiosas por su dinero. Muchos de nosotros nos hemos enfrentado a los legados de discriminación, racismo y desigualdad que impregnan nuestro sistema financiero y las transacciones monetarias cotidianas. Mientras tanto, el mercado inmobiliario se volvió loco.
A pesar de todo, nos hemos centrado en acciones pequeñas y discretas que puede tomar ahora mismo.
“Estás aprendiendo”, continuó Saavedra. “Solo estás obteniendo datos sobre cómo te has comportado en el pasado. Y luego, poco a poco, damos ese pequeño paso siguiente. Hacemos las cosas con un poco de miedo de pasar a una nueva mentalidad”.
El año pasado, trajimos 50 movimientos de dinero inteligentes. Ahora, aquí hay 40 formas más aprobadas por expertos para tomar posesión de sus finanzas hoy, incluso si lo hace con miedo. Es hora de hacer un movimiento.
Ilustraciones de Elisa Faye
Comprar un fondo indexado
Si tuviera $ 500 para invertir en este momento, ¿por dónde empezaría? Nuestra respuesta:un fondo indexado. Es un gran grupo de acciones que está diseñado para rastrear todo el mercado. Con esta estrategia, no estás apostando por una sola empresa, estás obteniendo una parte de todas ellas. La otra cosa buena de los fondos indexados es que tienen tarifas cero o muy bajas en todas las casas de bolsa importantes. Y en estudio tras estudio, los fondos indexados superaron el rendimiento de los selectores de acciones de alta tarifa. Hazlo facil.
Leer másInicie un flujo de ingresos pasivos
Ganar dinero mientras duermes no tiene por qué ser una quimera. Obtener ingresos pasivos es más fácil hoy que nunca, y muchos de nuestros colaboradores de NextAdvisor están haciendo una matanza. Si desea mejorar su vida financiera y sabe que reducir los gastos solo lo llevará hasta cierto punto, comience a pensar en formas de agregar ingresos. Invertir en el mercado de valores, ya sea por cuenta propia o mediante un 401(k), cuenta como uno. Aquí hay otros siete que quizás no hayas considerado, presentados por la colaboradora Jannese Torres-Rodríguez, quien ha ganado dinero con cada uno de ellos.
Leer másEncuentra tu "brecha de libertad"
También podría llamar a este número "la brecha entre sus ingresos mensuales y sus gastos mensuales", pero eso no es tan divertido. Además, la brecha de libertad realmente va al grano. La estrategia aquí es calcular la cantidad de dinero que le sobra cada mes una vez que haya pagado todas sus facturas. Cuando conoce esa cifra, digamos $ 750, puede destinar intencionalmente esos fondos a sus metas. Tal vez $250 se destinen a pagar deudas, $250 a ahorros y $250 a invertir en fondos indexados. Cuanto mayor sea su brecha de libertad, más podrá hacer y más poder tendrá para generar riqueza y, en última instancia, lograr la independencia financiera. Gracias a Mahlet Amaha, colaborador de NextAdvisor y creador de @blackwomxnarewealthy, por el giro de la frase.
Tómese una hora para nombrar a sus beneficiarios
A esto lo llamamos la droga de entrada de la planificación patrimonial. Crear un testamento es algo que el 60 % de los adultos estadounidenses no ha hecho, posiblemente porque puede ser un proceso desalentador. Debería hacerlo de todos modos, dice Jill Schlesinger, colaboradora de CFP y NextAdvisor. Pero si quiere lograr una victoria hoy, hay una forma más sencilla de comenzar. Nombrar un beneficiario en sus cuentas financieras, como 401 (k) s, 403 (b) s, IRA tradicionales y Roth, cuentas de corretaje y pólizas de seguro de vida, a menudo es fácil de hacer en línea en 15 minutos o menos. Hay tranquilidad en juego:incluso si no tiene un testamento, nombrar a un beneficiario garantizará que sus activos eviten la sucesión legal y vayan directamente a quien usted designe.
Leer másDescarga YNAB (o una de estas otras aplicaciones)
Aceptarás cualquier ayuda que puedas conseguir, ¿verdad? Si una buena aplicación puede ayudarlo a rastrear su dinero más fácilmente o integrar la administración financiera en su rutina diaria, aprovéchela. Algunos de nuestros favoritos son Personal Capital, que le permite realizar un seguimiento de su valor neto de forma gratuita con gráficos y tablas para ayudarlo a visualizar sus objetivos, y Acorns, que es una forma relativamente sencilla de comenzar a invertir. Pero un favorito absoluto entre nuestros colaboradores y expertos es You Need a Budget, o YNAB. Le ayuda con la presupuestación de base cero, una forma extremadamente eficaz de reducir gastos y aumentar los ingresos discrecionales. Y puedes empezar con una versión gratuita.
Leer másDescubre si estás mal pagado...
¿Estás dispuesto a tener una conversación incómoda? Cuando la colaboradora de NextAdvisor, Erin Lowry, preguntó a siete expertos en negociación y carrera el secreto para negociar un salario más alto, todos estuvieron de acuerdo en una cosa:debe estar armado con información sobre cuánto ganan sus colegas y compañeros en comparación con usted. Y a veces la única forma de averiguarlo es preguntando. Encontrar formas de tener estas conversaciones puede ayudarlo a descubrir si está mal pagado y brindarle los datos que necesita para presentar su caso. Consulte el artículo de Lowry para obtener un guión de copiar y pegar que le ayudará a romper el hielo.
Leer más... y conoce tu valor
Por cada dólar que gana un hombre, las mujeres ganan $0,82 en promedio. La brecha es más amplia para las mujeres latinas, negras y nativas americanas. Para Vanessa Menchaca-Wachtmeister, una profesional de la tecnología que logró duplicar su salario en dos años, esa estadística inspiró una mentalidad de negociación agresiva. “El verdadero cambio de juego fue ver a través del sentimiento femenino de que no valía mi dinero y esforzarme en mis negociaciones”, dijo Menchaca-Wachtmeister durante un evento de Latina Women on FIRE organizado por NextAdvisor. “Lo retraté en mi cabeza de esta manera:¿cómo asumiría este desafío un hombre blanco heterosexual que es dueño del mundo?”. Siga leyendo para conocer sus tácticas de negociación.
Leer másEliminar Robinhood
Cuando esta controvertida aplicación comercial se convirtió en una de las descargas de Apple más populares del año, supimos que teníamos que probarla. Así que le pedimos a nuestro editor colaborador Farnoosh Torabi, periodista financiero y presentador del podcast "So Money", que escribiera sobre sus experiencias con Robinhood durante un período de seis meses. Su conclusión:la aplicación puede ser divertida y fácil de usar, pero su énfasis en el comercio a corto plazo sobre la inversión a largo plazo le costará. For investors with time and compound interest on their side, Torabi says a low-fee brokerage such as Vanguard offers a surer — and frankly, easier — path to long-term wealth.
Read moreCalculate your FIRE number

Retirement isn’t an age anymore. It’s a dollar amount. Specifically, it’s the amount of money you need to have invested in order to live off your returns and become permanently work-optional. And there’s a relatively simple formula that helps you identify yours. We asked contributor Rita-Soledad Fernandez Paulino — a married mother of two who didn’t start investing until she was 33 — to show us how she calculated her FIRE number (which stands for Financially Independent, Retire Early) and how she’s using it to retire early at 47.
Read moreRefinance your mortgage — there’s still time
Mortgage rates have been historically low for nearly a year, and plenty of people have taken advantage. But there are still 14 million homeowners who can save at least $250 a month by replacing their current mortgage with a new one at today’s low rates, according to a recent study from the mortgage data firm Black Knight. Experts predict that mortgage rates will stay low for the rest of the year, so you don’t have to rush into it. Start by learning how refinancing works.
Read moreCheck your housing budget using the 28/36 rule
We love a rule of thumb. There will alway be exceptions, but it’s nice to have an expert-approved guideline. When it comes to determining how much home you can afford to buy, the 28/36 rule comes highly recommended. The idea is that your monthly mortgage payment (which you can estimate using a mortgage calculator) shouldn’t be more than 28% of your monthly pre-tax income, nor should it be more than 36% of your total debt. Unexpected costs are practically guaranteed when you’re a homeowner, so knowing that you can comfortably afford your monthly payments will help you shop for a home with confidence.
Read moreCheck your credit report for free
Want to know what the credit-reporting agencies really think of you? You can find out for free, and it’s worth a look. Your credit report is a summary of all your interactions with the financial system:the debt you owe, the credit cards you’ve opened, your record of making on-time payments, and more. It’s this report that determines your credit score, which in turn determines what kind of a deal you’re going to get the next time you want to borrow money. Because of a special COVID-19 provision, you can check your credit report from each of the three reporting agencies for free every week until April 2022.
Read moreIncrease your credit limit — and your credit score with it
Raising your credit score doesn’t have to take a long time. One of the quickest ways to boost it is to manipulate your credit-utilization ratio, which accounts for 30% of your credit score. The ratio is found by adding up all the debt you owe and dividing it by the amount of credit you have access to. The lower, the better. So if you’re carrying a $2,000 balance on a card with a $10,000 credit limit, you have a credit-utilization ratio of 20%. But if you raise your credit limit to $20,000, that same balance is now 10% of your total credit. For customers in good standing, raising your credit limit can be as easy as filling out a form online or making a single phone call.
Read moreHave a money talk with your partner
We hate to jump to a worst-case scenario. But if you’re married, this story by NextAdvisor contributor Dasha Kennedy is not to be missed. In it, Kennedy shares her regret that she never talked about money in her marriage, a lack of communication that ultimately led to a financially devastating divorce. “Failing to have conversations about money and marriage is a surefire way to find yourself discussing debt and divorce,” Kennedy writes. Now she’s making it her mission to help more women become financially empowered.
Read moreInvest for a child in your life

We call them the million-dollar babies. This year NextAdvisor talked to two moms who are investing for their children so early that they’ve basically guaranteed the kiddos a multi-million dollar retirement. Compound interest is the key here:over a long period of time, even a relatively small investment will grow exponentially. Contributor Mahlet Amaha plans to invest her Child Tax Credit of $2,000 a year into a brokerage account in her name with her 2-year-old son as the beneficiary. Even if she stops when he’s 18, that $36,000 contribution will multiply to a shocking $8 million when her son is 65. Check out the math. Then read financial advisor Dominique Broadway — whose 18-month-old daughter Dawsyn is on track to be a millionaire by 16 — on how you can get started, too.
Read moreSubscribe to a money newsletter
Let good money advice come to you. Email newsletters are thriving, and some of our favorite financial brains are offering free news and inspiration straight to your inbox. We like “Jill on Money,” written by NextAdvisor contributor Jill Schlesinger, for its highly relatable reader questions. For a more interactive experience, the Wall Street Journal offers an email “money challenge” with once-a-week prompts. Read more for our 10 favorites. (The NextAdvisor newsletter isn’t bad, either.)
Read moreUse your airline miles
If you’re gearing up for travel again, you know that airfare prices are rising back to pre-pandemic levels. And it may have been a while since you last checked in on the balances of your miles and points programs. We crunched the numbers on Delta, American Airlines, United, and Southwest right now, and found that miles accrued with those four airlines range in value from 1.2 to 1.6 cents. With that in mind, you can learn how to scope out a trip that will maximize your miles’ value.
Read moreLearn about crypto…
For most financial experts, investing in cryptocurrency is too speculative to recommend without a long list of caveats. But everyone agrees you should learn about it. The rise of digital currencies has the potential to upend our financial systems and the way we interact with money every day. So if you’re “crypto-curious” and wondering whether there’s a place for it in your long-term plan, the first step is to know what you’re buying. Learning about blockchain, the technology that underlies every cryptocurrency, is a good way to start.
Read more…and then ask yourself these questions
If you’ve turned from crypto-curious to crypto believer, you might be looking for a way to add it to your investments. This is where financial experts suggest some ground rules. Because the value of crypto is volatile and without a long track record, the pros we talked to recommend limiting it to no more than 5% of your portfolio — and that’s only if you’ve checked some other boxes already, like contributing to traditional retirement savings and getting out of debt. Then, you’ll know you’re ready when you can answer these four questions.
Read moreCall your car insurance company

Every once in a while, it pays to go through your fixed monthly expenses and see where you can shave off some savings. So if you haven’t called your auto insurer in a year or more, give this strategy a try:call them and ask about getting a low-mileage discount. Many of us aren’t driving nearly as much as our policies assume. You may not even have to call. Jannese Torres-Rodriguez says she was able to update her yearly mileage on her insurer’s online portal and get immediate savings. “I think there’s a lot of room for negotiation,” she says. “The last thing they want right now is to lose your business.”
Read moreNegotiate a bill
Did you know you can negotiate your internet bill? The rent? Medical bills? Plenty of financial transactions are negotiable if you know who to ask and the right way to ask it. That’s a lesson we learned after the pandemic hit last year, when many banks and lenders became willing to agree to more favorable terms for customers affected by COVID-19. Erin Lowry, author of the Broke Millennial book series, talked to three people who negotiated a bill last year and asked them exactly how they did it. These are their tips.
Read moreStart an emergency fund…
Personal finance is personal, but some things are non-negotiable. Setting aside money for emergencies — or opportunities — is the building block of financial wellness, according to every expert we’ve talked to. The idea is to keep a few months’ worth of expenses in a high-yield savings account, where it can collect interest until you need it. Sudden expenses will throw a wrench in your money plan from time to time, and your emergency fund is the best way to keep you on track.
Read more…and maybe one for your parents
For some of us, protecting our own financial wellness isn’t enough. We also want to support our parents or members of our communities when they need help. Jannese Torres-Rodriguez, a Latina money expert and a frequent contributor, had never heard of a “family emergency fund” before she wrote about them for NextAdvisor. What she discovered was a powerful financial tool that helps her and other women of color uphold their values of communal support without derailing their own money plans.
Read moreGet renters insurance
This is one of those things that’s not required but strongly recommended. Renters insurance doesn’t protect the house or apartment you’re living in, but it does protect the belongings you have within it. A standard policy will protect you and your things “if someone becomes injured in your apartment, there is a theft or break-in, or other accidents occur. “For example, if your home is burglarized or your dog bites someone, your renters policy will kick in,” writes NextAdvisor’s Alex Gailey, at an average monthly cost of $42 a month.
Read moreSay no to whole life insurance
“If your financial advisor is recommending you buy whole life insurance, you don’t have a financial advisor. You have an insurance salesman,” says Jeremy Schneider, the self-made millionaire behind Personal Finance Club. In all but a few scenarios, he and other experts say, it makes more sense to invest in term life insurance, which provides the same financial protection but at a much lower fixed cost. With the money you save, you can invest on your own at a higher rate of return than what a whole life policy would offer. Read on for more on life insurance and who needs it.
Read moreCalculate your child tax credit
This one is for the parents:the stimulus package passed in March included a new and improved Child Tax Credit. Unlike the previous version, this one will be partially paid out in cash throughout the year. Families who qualify will be paid up to $3,600 per child for tax year 2021, with half of it issued before the end of the year. Since payments began going out in July, take a moment now to calculate how much you’re owed and what you want to do with the money.
Read moreBookmark this calculator
You have to see compound interest to believe it. This calculator on Investor.gov is the easiest way to visualize how money invested in the stock market grows over time. Enter a starting investment, any monthly contributions, and a time horizon — and you’ll immediately see a projection of how compound interest will multiply those investments over time. Play with the numbers and you can calculate the amount you want to invest each month to reach your FIRE number or any other goal. When you’re assuming a rate of return, keep in mind that index funds, which track the entire stock market, have historically delivered a 7% average annual rate of return.
Read moreOpen a Roth IRA
There are lots of accounts that will help you invest, but a Roth IRA has something special:any money you invest in it will grow tax-free forever, provided you meet a few conditions. That means all the compound interest you earn is yours to keep, without the capital gains taxes you’d incur with a regular brokerage account or on a trading app like Robinhood. NextAdvisor contributor Rebecka Zavaleta is our resident Roth evangelist. Here she explains why she loves them so much.
Read moreInvest your contributions!
This is a beginners’ mistake that multiple money experts have flagged to us, so we’re compelled to share. Investing is a two-step process:first you contribute funds — such as to a 401(k), traditional or Roth IRA, or brokerage account — and then you invest those funds . Without that second step, your money is in “financial purgatory,” says Tori Dunlap, a 27-year-old who’s on track to have $6 million invested by retirement. If you’re stuck on choosing your investments, make it easy for yourself and buy a target date fund, which is based on when you want to retire, or an index fund, which tracks the entire market.
Read moreTake an investing course

You have to learn it somehow. Investing in the stock market offers a clearly defined path to wealth — with persistence and the right accounts in place, a long-term investor who buys index funds is essentially guaranteed to come out ahead. It’s doable, but it does require some studying. We gathered up our favorite online investing courses and tutorials, so you can peruse them for yourself. There are lots of options, some free. See what method of learning might work best for you.
Read moreMake a student loan payoff plan
Federal student loans have been in a glorious state of limbo for the last year due to the policy changes brought on by COVID-19. No payments are due and no interest is accruing until at least September 30, 2021. The reprieve has given millions of people breathing room in their budgets, while others have used the interest freeze to throw more payments at their principal. Either way, the freeze may be ending soon, and broader student loan forgiveness doesn’t look likely. Time to sit down with your loan info and make a plan.
Read moreFollow a mom

A cool mom, though. As part of our “Moms &Money” digital event in May, we introduced you to 10 financially savvy online creators who talk about all things parenting. Dyana King, who goes by @moneybossmama, will teach you how to make a monthly budget and invest for your children. Nicaila Matthews Okome is a side hustle pro. And our friend Farnoosh Torabi is an all-around financial expert who’s written on how to not raise spoiled brats. Any of them will liven up your feed with good advice and cute family photos to boot.
Read moreSave money with the $1 rule
Cutting expenses can feel like an exercise in self-torture. But one of our contributors found a way to pull back her spending without sacrificing the things she loves most. Meet the $1 rule. As debt coach Bernadette Joy explains, she gives herself permission to purchase something she wants if it will cost $1 or less per use. A $50 pair of sneakers that she’ll wear once a week for a year? That checks out. But a winter coat on sale for $75 that will be worn a few times a season? No tanto. See if her hack works for you.
Read moreGet a big, fat welcome bonus
We don’t get too caught up in the complicated world of earning and using credit card points. But some offers are just a straight up good deal. That’s the case for the welcome bonus offered by the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, offering a 60,000-point welcome bonus for those who spend $4,000 within their first three months. If you have a solid credit score and you’d be spending that money anyway, check out our story on the creative ways you can use those points for free travel and hotel stays.
Start a joint account. Just one, though
For couples who live together and share expenses, a joint bank account can help you divide them equitably. But stop right there, says Suze Orman. When she talked with NextAdvisor for an interview last month, Orman spoke from personal experience in saying that couples should “never, ever, ever” combine their finances completely. Instead, she recommends just one joint account for shared expenses, with each partner contributing based on their income. Having your own money is empowering, says Tori Dunlap, the 27-year-old founder of Her First $100k. “It weirdly makes you more confident in your own relationship,” she says.
Read moreSubscribe to a money podcast
Escuchen. Money podcasts are the ideal one-sided relationship. You get to hear all the dirt about other people’s money mistakes, successes, and tips — all without divulging a thing about yourself. For our list of the best money podcasts, we found a mix of styles and topics. Tiffany Aliche and Mandi Woodruff’s “Brown Ambition” is a lively and often hilarious chat about careers, entrepreneurship, and more. “BiggerPockets Money” zeroes in on real estate investing. And our own Farnoosh Torabi interviews big-name guests every week on “So Money.”
Read moreMake a “noodle budget”
“Drop down and get your noodle on” is not something you hear every day, but it makes sense when Tiffany “the Budgetnista” Aliche explains it. A noodle budget is how she describes the minimum amount of money you can afford to live on every month. It’s as if you’re eating Ramen for every meal. Knowing that number is a game-changer, Aliche says, because it clarifies what you need versus what’s nice to have. In times of financial distress or uncertainty, you can cut your spending down to that level, aka drop down and get your noodle on. You can also find a medium ground between your noodle budget and your regular spending — that’s called “getting a little bit of your noodle on.”
Read moreStart a side hustle
One of the reasons Jannese Torres-Rodriguez is our favorite side hustle guru is that she doesn’t give you any excuses. You already know there are more opportunities than ever to make extra income right now — funds you can use to pay off debt, save, and even achieve financial independence. So what’s holding you back? We asked, you answered. Here, Jannese gives her response to six of the most commonly cited reasons why people don’t start side hustles, from “I don’t have time” to “I want passive income.” Plus, she made a chart with 15 ideas to get started. ¿Ver? No excuses.
Read moreSpeak with your dollars
Reflecting on the fight for social justice this year reminds us of the power of our collective voices. And when we spend money, we speak with our dollars. That inspired contributor Erin Lowry to research the most effective ways to support the things we care about in our everyday spending. Lowry recommends buying from local, small businesses, especially those that are BIPOC-owned. You can also find companies that support things you care about, like Patagonia, which pledges 1% of its sales to environmental causes. And if you’re on Amazon, use AmazonSmile to trigger a charitable donation every time you shop.
Read moreKnow your ‘why’
Your No.1 priority on the path to success is to be clear on what success actually means to you. That’s the advice of Katia Chesnok, a 32-year-old financial educator in Miami who paid off $40,000 in 18 months after reaching an emotional breaking point. For Chesnok, success means earning passive income and having enough money to support her parents. To zero in on your “why,” Chesnok recommends imagining your life in the future, after you’ve achieved your goals. What are you doing it for?
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